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ParksandGardens, Preveza

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Ziros Lake
Stylish buildings that blend harmoniously with the region were built on the banks of Lake Ziros between 1950 and 1955. The purpose was to create a Children’s City (Paidoupolis in Greek, also known as Ziropolis) to look after the orphaned children of the Second World War and the Greek Civil War, on the initiative of Queen Frederica. Stylish buildings that blend harmoniously with the region were built on the banks of Lake Ziros between 1950 and 1955. The purpose was to create a Children’s City (Paidoupolis in Greek, also known as Ziropolis) to look after the orphaned children of the Second World War and the Greek Civil War, on the initiative of Queen Frederica. Lake Ziros is an important and stunning natural attraction, which is relatively unknown to the public because it is not shown on tourist maps with a scale below 1:300,000. The buildings of Ziropolis were designed by Austrian architects in 1955. The lake is approximately 1000 m long and 500 m wide and has an elliptical shape. It has a depth of over 25 m at its deepest point. Until 1965, when it was almost destroyed by an earthquake, Ziropolis was an important educational, cultural and economic centre in the region.
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The Mynicipal Unit of Mystras includes the former communities of Agia Irene, Agios Ioannis, Anavriti, Loggastra, Magoula, Mystras, Paroreio, Soustianoi and Tripi. Nestled in Mount Taygetos and its lowlands, the municipal unit of Mystras offers both relaxation and recreation to visitors all year long. Anavriti also serves as a base for ascents to the summit. Hiking paths and trails include the European E4 trail ascending to the Mountain Refuge, as well as paths to Mystras, Agios Ioannis and Taygeti. From the village of Parori, a 15-minute trek along a path leads to Our Lady Langadiotissa, a marvellous church tucked in a cave, and to the Monastery of Fan¬eromeni. Starting at Mystras, an inviting trail leads to Pikoulianika and Taygeti, as well as Agios loannis of Vouvalon in modern-day Mystras (only 10 minutes from the town square). A visit to the Kaiadas chasm is essential, as is a stroll around the enchanting gardens of the Sainopouleio Amphitheatre, where the construction of a new athletic center is about to break ground. A tour of the springs in Tripi, ie Karvasara, Vasiloneri and the Knakiona springs at the Monastery of Agios Giannakis, is an exceptional experience. The Langada Climbing Park is also worth a visit for the crag climbing adventurer. Other worthwhile sites include the Byzantine bridge of Agios Sostis and the 4 water mills in the village of Agia Irene, the Byzantine churches of the Taxiarches (the Archangels), Our Lady the Virgin and St. Nicholas in Loggastra and finally, in Soustianoi, the Gorge of the Fairy, the Koumoundouros caves and the magnificent church of St. Nicholas.
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Zappeion National Garden
National Garden is a marvelous park, open to the public from sunrise to sunset, located in the heart of Athens, just behind the Greek Parliament. What were once, the Old Palace and the Royal Garden, the getaway of Queen Amalia and King Otto, is now a delightful, shady refuge for Athenians and visitors during the hot summer months.
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Matka Canyon
Matka - A gorge in which a rich complex of mediaeval building survives, including churches, monasteries and remnants of a fortress (the mediaeval town of Matka).There are dozens of caves and a large number of endemic plants and animals. The Canyon covers an area of around 5.000ha and is located 15km south-west of Skopje. By its morphogenetic characteristic, it is a breakthrough gorge. Krastic form deserve particular attention here-ten caves with their length ranging between 20 and 176 meters and two vertical chasms with a depth up to 35 meters. Matka was one of the largest refugee centers during the glacial period resulting in the presence of a high number of relic and endemic plants, 20% are endemic or relic spices. Among Tertiary relics, the most significant are the Kozani violet and Italy's Ramonda (Ramonda Natalie). It is also important to mention that there are 77 species of Balkan endemic small butterflies in area of Matka Canyon, while 18 other species are new to the science.
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Pirin National Park
Because of the unique biodiversity and spectacular natural formations of Pirin, the Government of Bulgaria has established over 40,000 ha of mountain protected area – Pirin National Park. It is a piece of nature that is a priceless Bulgarian and world heritage and is included in UNESCO’s “Man and the Biosphere” program. The landscape of the Pirin Mountains is diverse and includes a notable alpine area, dotted with many lakes, forested mountain landscapes that define the unique fauna richness in the mountain. The composition of forests in the territory of Pirin National Park includes 16 tree species, some of them are endemic species, others are of particular conservation significance, or represent some of the largest inventories of tree species in Europe and in Bulgaria. The total area of ​​the Pirin National Park is 40,356 ha and the forested area is 23,110 ha. Within the large area there is dwarf pine, white fir, white pine, spruce, fir, beech, and black pine. The average age of forests in Pirin National Park is 85 years, the largest proportion of forests are older than 140 years.
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Island of Lokrum
Just a breath away from Dubrovnik stands the mysterious island of Lokrum. It’s one of the World’s seven cursed islands. Lush Lokrum is a beautiful, forested island full of holm oaks, black ash, pines and olive trees, only a 10-minute ferry ride to Lokrum from Dubrovnik’s Old Harbour. It’s a popular swimming spot, although the beaches are rocky. Boats leave roughly hourly in summer (half-hourly in July and August). The public boat ticket price includes the entrance fee, but if you arrive with another boat, you’re required to pay 120KN at the information centre on the island. The island’s main hub is its large medieval Benedictine monastery, which houses a restaurant and a display on the island’s history and the TV show Game of Thrones, which was partly filmed on Lokrum. This is your chance to pose imperiously on a reproduction of the Iron Throne. The monastery has a pretty cloister garden and a significant botanical garden, featuring giant agaves and palms from South Africa and Brazil. Near the centre of the island is circular Fort Royal, commenced during the French occupation in the early 19th century but mainly used by the Austrians. Head up to the roof for views over the old town. To reach the nudist beach, head left from the ferry and follow the signs marked FKK; the rocks at its far end are Dubrovnik’s de facto gay beach. Another popular place for a swim is the small saltwater lake known as the Dead Sea.
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Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park
Cilento e Vallo di Diano National Park is the second-largest park in Italy. It stretches from the Tyrrhenian coast to the foot of the Apennines in Campania and Basilicata, and it includes the peaks of Alburni Mountains, Cervati and Gelbison and the coastal buttresses of Mt. Bulgheria and Mt. Stella. The extraordinary naturalistic richness of the heterogeneous territory goes hand in hand with the mythical and mysterious character of a land rich in history and culture: from the call of the nymph Leucosia to the beaches where Palinuro left Aeneas, from the ruins of the Greek colonies of Elea and Paestum to the wonderful Certosa of Padula. And everything else you can find in such an unexplored territory. The National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano houses many animal species. Their undisputed queen is undoubtedly the golden eagle that nests on the highest peaks. But other birds fly over the territory of the Park, including peregrine falcons, buzzards, sparrow hawk, owl and the owl. The territory is also inhabited by wolves, wild boars, foxes, martens, badgers, weasels and other mammals that bear witness to the progressive enrichment of the ecosystem of the Park of Cilento.
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Tsar Simeon
Tsar Simeon's Garden in Plovdiv is created in 1892 by the Swiss landscape architect Lucien Chevalas (1840-1921). In 1879 Bulgarian knyaz Aleksandar Bogoridi invited Chevalas to become the official gardener of Plovdiv. For all his contribution to the city, in 1901 he was declared an honorary citizen of Plovdiv. Often he is referred to as “the Minister of flowers”. A Viennese pavilion is built in the centre of the park. The pavilion is with a metal openwork construction and is a replica of the 1936-Central Pavilion. All this was possible with the help of archival photographs and historical evidences from the Book of the fair. In addition there is new lighting in the park, and also new benches and modern children's playgrounds are installed. The trees and the flowers turn the park in a paradise garden. The pearl on the crown of the park is the renovated Lake with the Singing Fountains. You can enjoy the light show of the lake intertwined with water effects.
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Villa Cimbrone
Sitting high atop a promontory that offers stunning views of the Mediterranean and the dramatic coastline below, the Villa Cimbrone is the crown laurel of Ravello. Its origins date back to the 11th century, but the villa and the gardens were extensively renovated by a British nobleman, Lord Grimthorpe, in the early 20th century. With its expansive gardens and dramatic views, the villa is a popular place for weddings, honeymoons, and receptions. The villa is a private 5-star hotel (Hotel Villa Cimbrone), but the gardens are open to the public and it ranks, perhaps, as the most memorable sight on the Amalfi Coast. A century ago, shortly after it was renovated by Grimthorpe, the Villa Cimbrone became a popular retreat for London’s famed Bloomsbury Group, a circle of early 20th century intellectuals that featured Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey. Other noted guests, included Winston Churchill, author E.M Forster, and famed economist Maynard Keynes. D.H. Lawrence, the author of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, literally left his mark on the villa’s garden, when he and a friend decided to give the Statue of Eve a fresh, and unauthorized, coat of paint.
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Villa Rufolo
Built by a wealthy merchant family in the 13th century, the villa has a rich and storied past. Boccaccio, one of the earliest authors of the Italian renaissance, wrote a story about the villa and its owner in his Decameron, which was published in 1353. In its prime, it was one of the largest and most expensive villas on the Amalfi Coast, and legends grew about hidden treasure on its premises. In the 14th century, the Rufolo family hosted banquets for King Robert II of Naples and other Norman royalty. The gardens and grounds of the Villa Rufolo are open year around and attract visitors from all over the world. Juxtaposed against the sea, the sky, umbrella pines, and the Church of the Annunziata below, the gardens, with their profusion of flowers, have a magical quality to them.
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Santa Chiara Church and Cloister
Near the Gesú Nuovo church, there is the monumental complex of Santa Chiara, one of the most important buildings commissioned by the French Kingdom of Anjou for the Franciscan order. Built in 1340, it is a rare example of Medieval architecture in Napoli. The convent was to accommodate both monks and nuns in two separate buildings but at the same time depending on the same church. The church was then built in a simple Gothic style, with the typical Neapolitan yellow tufa. Unfortunately, the church has been reconstructed changing the original features into the Baroque style with marbles, polychrome stuccos and exorbitant decorative elements by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro between 1742 and 1769. Sadly, in 1943 the church was partially bombed during the second world war. It was decided that it would be rebuilt in its original Gothic style. It was reopened in 1953. Most of the antiques sculptures have returned to their original location, including the splendid tombs of the member of the Anjou family, like the monumental tomb of Robert of Anjou dated 1343, the tomb of Mary Valois, second wife of Robert, and his son's tomb. A small part of a fresco still remains from the medieval decoration attributed to Giotto (who stayed in Napoli between 1328 and 1333) and his workshop. The fine cloister outside the church is richly decorated with majolica tiles and it is a pure gem of the eighteenth century, designed by Domenico Antionio Vaccaro. He left the original medieval plan of the cloister but redesigning parts of it, adding two wide paths in the middle, the fine majolica decorations on the pillars with motif of vine shoots and wisteria twisting up, flowers, lemons while the seats are decorated with scenes of the city and country life in the eighteenth century.
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Kos Natural park
Find peace and connect with the Nature in Zia Natural Park. Walk on the stone paths between the trees and breath the fresh air. Have a close look at the local animals and plants in their natural environment.
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The Nicolae Romanescu Park,
The Nicolae Romanescu Park, is a veritable green oasis. The park is one of the valuable monuments of landscape architecture in Romania. The plans for the park, designed by French architect Emile Rendont, were awarded the gold medal at the 1900 World Fair.
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Kalemegdan Park
Kalemegdan Park is Belgrade’s birthplace. Filling much of the promontory where the Danube and Sava Rivers converge, the green sprawl was settled millenniums ago by the Celts and bears traces of many successive peoples and empires. F
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Mediterranean Monastery Garden of St. Lawrence
Mediterranean Monastery Garden of St. Lawrence was restored and opened in 2007, after being forgotten for a hundred years. It is an integral part of the St. Lawrence Monastery and was restored according to the project of architect Dragutin Kiš. It is the only garden of its kind in Croatia. In the center of the garden, there is a water source, surrounded by medicinal and spicy Mediterranean herbs.
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Krka National Park
The area was proclaimed national park in 1985. The National Park includes one or more preserved or insignificantly altered ecosystems. By the submergence of the riverbed, the Krka River is about 72.5 kilometers long and has its source at the foot of the Dinara mountain. With seven travertine waterfalls and a total fall of 224 meters, the Krka is a natural and karst phenomenon. The beauty of Skradinski buk, the longest travertine barrier on the Krka River and one of the most famous beauties of Croatia, is particularly remarkable
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Kornati National Park
Kornati National Park covers the major part of the Kornati water area and was proclaimed a national park in 1980 due to its exceptional landscape beauty, interesting geomorphology, well-indented coastline and a rich marine ecosystem. The Kornati Archipelago encompasses an area of about 320 km2. This most indented island ecosystem in the Adriatic Sea has 89 islands, islets and cliffs. It was named after the largest island of Kornati. Because of its uninhabitedness and wildness, intact nature and outstanding beauty, the Kornati are appealing to many tourists and important for the development of excursions, sports and nautical tourism.
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The Waterpark
The Waterpark is the biggest in Europe and the one on the island of Rhodes. Located in the popular resort of Faliraki, the Waterpark is situated on the costal road and is easily accessible. It offers remarkable and spectacular rides, unique splash pools and water slides.
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Botanical Garden Bucharest
The Botanical Garden in Bucharest is a cultural institution, part of Bucharest University. It was founded by Alexandru Ioan Cuza in 1860, near COTROCENI PALACE. The great exhibition, where tropical plants, huge palm or banana trees, awesome members of the orchids family, gigantic decorative trees or wild ferns can be seen. There are thematic greenhouses, very well organized in the order you to need only one hour, or one hour and a half to see all plants and trees and make free amazing pictures. The Decorative Sector is at the entrance in the Botanical Garden and here you can find more than 500 plants that assure all over the year a great view. The flowers,Tullipa collection, Paeonia and not only, are cultivated in large groups. It was arranged in 1956. Rare Plants Sector is the home of rare, special plants that need protection in Europe. They found it here and many of them would have been gone for a long time now if this area of the Botanical Garden hadn’t been arranged in 1962. There are plants from Dobrogea or southern Muntenia but no only. So, while you travel to Bucharest, you can visit the rare plants sector although it is an area where scientists have a lot of work to do, taking care of plants in Paeonia family, Salvia Transilvania or Fritillaria Orientalis.
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Cismigiu Garden
Designed in 1845 by the German landscape architect Carl Meyer, the garden opened to the public in 1860. The name, Cismigiu, comes from the Turkish cismea, meaning "public fountain." More than 30,000 trees and plants were brought from the Romanian mountains, while exotic plants were imported from the botanical gardens in Vienna.
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Kopacki Rit Nature Park
Kopacki Rit (pronounced ko-pachkee rit) Nature Park is a flood area ( rit means marsh) between the Drava and Danube rivers in the Osijek-Baranjska region of eastern Croatia. Sometimes called "the pearl of the Drava", the nature park covers 177 sq kilometres holding more than 20000 waterbirds in winter of 267 different species. You'll find cormorants, herons, gulls, terns, ducks and egrets Some of the birds such as the black stork and the great white egret are rare in Europe but the most prized inhabitant of Kopacki rit is the largest Croatian eagle, the white-tailed eagle. As the largest remaining wetlands in Europe, Kopacki rit changes in accordance with the seasons. In spring, high waters, mostly from the Danube, flow in the marshlands bringing fish that come to spawn in the shallows The warmth makes the water plants, plankton and insects flourish making it one of the most fertile spawning areas of the Danube region Spring is also marked by an explosion of frogs. In the central part of the reserve is a lake that is connected to the Danube by a canal that serves as a conduit for most of the water throughout the marshlands The north part of the park is composed of willow, poplar, oar and ash forests. Here you'll find deer, wild boar, fox wildcats, martens, weasels and other creatures.
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Bucharest Zoo
Bucharest Zoo Garden is a great place to spend an afternoon when you visit the Romanian Capital. The Zoo is outside Bucharest, near Baneasa Forest and also near Baneasa Shopping Center. So, if you have time and need some fresh air and also a shopping tour in an elegant mall, you might like the area. The Zoo in Bucharest total surface is estimated at about 6 ha. It was founded in 1955. A ticket for children is 6,5 RON. Children always find the Zoo Garden very interesting. The ZOO in Bucharest can be visited every day from 9 to 17. You are not allowed to feed the animals. The Romanian capital had no Zoo before 1955. Yet there were special corners in CISMIGIU GARDEN, CAROL PARK or HERASTRAU PARK where you could admire beautiful birds and mammals. Don’t forget, if you visit the ZOO in Bucharest, from 12 to 2 PM, keep quiet…some lions are sleeping.
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Sea Garden
Nowadays the Marine Gardens form an imposing park where you can visit the Natural Science Museum, the Naval Museum, the Copernicus Astronomy Complex planetarium, the first in the country, the zoo and the Terrarium. Here one can find the only Dolphinarium and Aquarium in the country. There are also a swimming pool, tennis court, an open-air theater and a new children's complex (opened on 1 May 2002) with a lot of amusements: water wheels, slide, archery, trampoline. Along the alley, which runs parallel to the coastline, there are a number of small cafes and restaurants, offering seafood specialties as well as attractive discos.
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Villa Borghese
Villa Borghese of Rome is one of the largest urban parks in Europe. The State acquired the gardens from the Borghese family in 1901 and opened them to the public on 12 July 1903. What differentiates Villa Borghese from other large parks such as Hyde Park or Central Park is the perfect combination between nature and Roman art. Villa Borghese is home to interesting architectural elements, sculptures, monuments and fountains created at different times by famous artists. If you have enough time in Rome, travel with children or are looking for a little relaxation, the Villa Borghese is a mandatory stop in your itinerary. If you want to tour the Villa Borghese and take advantage of the time to do some exercise, it is possible to rent rollerblades, bicycles and other forms of transportation at the main gates.
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Vatican Gardens
The Vatican Gardens are a natural, architectural and artistic space of great beauty and spirituality, boasting an area of 23 hectares occupying most of the Vatican Hill. It was finally opened to the publick in 2014. The garden combines in itself 3 different styles Italian, Frech and English, each with their respective characteristics.
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The Baltata Reserve
The Baltata Reserve is located in the area of the village of Kranevo, Balchik municipality, and covers the lowest stream of Batova river, right by the resort of Albena. The reserve is located at a distance of about 11 kilometers from Balchik. Baltata covers the northernmost parts of Europe’s dense forests, where many tree species can be seen, such as White Poplar (Populus Alba), Field Maple (Acer campestre), Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa), etc. The region is home to more than 260 species of higher plants, 28 of which are protected. The dominating grass species are Hyacinth (Hyacinthus), Shrubby Cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa), Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis), etc. The territory of Baltata is also home to 36 mammal species, 15 amphibian species and 16 fish species. More than 180 are the bird species, established in the region. Some of them are the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea), Green-headed Goose (Anas platyrhynchos), Mallard (Grus grus), etc.; over 90 of them are nesting birds.
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Balchik Palace & Botanical Garden
The palace and the botanical garden in Balchik, joined in an architectural and park complex, are a piece of heaven on earth and a must-see tourist attraction on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The complex appeared as a summer residence of the Romanian queen Maria (1875-1938). The visitors to the palace and the botanical garden are especially interested in the chapel “Stella Maris”, the “Alley of wine”, the “Alley of ages”, the “Hanging terraces”, the tomb of Queen Maria, the “Garden of Allah”, the “English courthouse” garden, the “Garden of the cross-shaped water mirror”, the “Palace bridge and the boat garage”, the “Bridge of sighs”, the old mill, the “Silver well” and the numerous archaeological artifacts from antiquity and the Middle Ages. The palace is supplied with water from the springs “Byal Kladenets” and “Chatal chesma”. The villa where once the queen lived houses a museum exhibition, which displays her personal belongings, photographs and documents, as well as a collection of original paintings and icons; antique pottery found during archaeological excavations of Thracian mounds near Balchik and Revival Period weaponry. The hall that once served as the residence’s library is now a gallery. It displays paintings of Bulgarian and foreign artists.
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Lunca Muresului Natural Park
The Lunca Muresului Natural Park (Floodplain) is a protected area in Romania, downstream of Arad, until to the border with Hungary, along the river Mures, classified as a natural park at the national level and as a terrestrial landscape protected by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). It comprises the dammed area of the river Mures, respectively the flood area of dams on either side of the river between high terraces of the same river. Is an area with periodic flooding where the surrounding plants and animals are adapted to this regime. Lunca Muresului Natural Park Natural Park hosts over 200 species of birds. In the forests of the park, we will find deer, wild boar, squirrel and fallow deer.
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The Parco dei Mostri (Park of Monsters) of Bomarzo
The Parco dei Mostri (Park of Monsters) of Bomarzo, a large park with gardens, buildings and fantastic sculptures, is a fun and different excursion, one that also inspired Salvador Dalì; meanwhile, the ancient village of Montecalvello develops around a castle where the famous Balthus, a contemporary painter, lived for thirty years.
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Zrinjevac Park
Zrinjevac Park is a part of Zagreb Lenuci horseshoe. Just south of the central Ban Jelačić Square. It is just a short stroll away. In the park, you may relive Zagreb’s rich history. The centrepiece of the park is the 19th century Music pavilion which serves as an open-air concert stage surrounded by Zagreb institutions. It consists of a 19th-century music pavilion, several fountains, 130 years old weather monitoring station and monuments to famous Croatians: Julije Klović, Andrija Medulić, Fran Krsto Frankopan, Nikola Jurišić, Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski and Ivan Mažuranić. The park is also home to Zagreb’s first fountain. Designed by Herman Bollé and built-in 1878 the fountain is popularly known as “The Mushroom”.
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Strossmayer Promenade
At Strossmayer promenade you will enjoy spectacular views of Zagreb and rediscover peace and love. It runs along with the remains of Zagreb’s medieval defensive walls. For this reason, it is starting right underneath Lotrščak Tower one of last Zagreb’s fortifications. Watch out for the Noon Grič Cannon shot. Walking along you will stumble upon Anton Gustav Matoš, a Croatian poet who sits on a bench forever overlooking Zagreb. Strossmayer promenade is beautifully green, filled with chestnut trees. Therefore it provides a great gateway during warm summer nights. A great place to take a walk and make a short break from exploring the city. Sit down and watch the world go by!
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Medvednica Sljeme
Medvednica Sljeme is a rare example where a nature park is merging with a capital city. In the past, Medvednica provided protection with its castles. As well, it was the source of life because it provided residents with wood, coal, salt, stone, silver and water. Sljeme is the highest mountain peak on Medvednica but is often used to refer to the entire mountain. The mountain is filled with springs and streams, forests, mountain meadows and wildlife. Only a short drive from the city centre of Zagreb. For this reason, today, locals find it as an escape from city life. There are 20 archaeological sites in the Nature Park. Ranging from Prehistoric Period down to the late Middle Ages. At the same time, there are 60+ registered cultural properties. Which testifies to the Parks abundance of cultural heritage. With its Castles and manor houses, Medvednica was both a protector and a tyrant to locals. While the castles were made to protect, their lords used its strategic position to terrorise and pillage the locals. The legend of the Black Queen of Medvedgrad speaks of this.
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The Aquarium Constanta
The Aquarium is located on the seafront, right in front of the imposing Casino. Opened with great fanfare on 1st of May 1958, Constanta's Aquarium was for a long time the first and only public institution of its kind in our country.
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Brijuni Islands National Park
Brijuni Islands are situated near the city of Pula and represent the only National Park in Istria County. They were declared as National Park in 1983. With its 14 islands, 743,30 ha of area and water surface of 2652 ha (total area of 3395,00 ha), they represent the most indented and interesting islands in Istria. By arriving at Brijuni Islands and walking on its gentle paths, one can immediately notice why they deserved almost mythical status with its pleasant and mild climate. There is an important archaeological site on these islands in the northern Adriatic, and there is a rich cultural ancestry of the islands from the earliest to modern times.