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Adventure, Budapest

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Szechenyi Thermal Bath
With 21 pools, Széchenyi Bath is one of the largest bathing complexes in Europe. Its adventure pool features a water chute, underwater jacuzzi, neck shower and bubble deck. In addition to traditional medicinal services, the entrance fee also includes wellness services such as the fitness gym, saunas and underwater gymnastics.
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Margaret Island
Walking the length of the island takes about 20 minutes, but most visitors spend time at the Hajós Alfréd and the Palatinus outdoor pools. The Palatinus water park is a popular place in the summer, especially on the weekends. The 11 outdoor pools, including two for children, are in a beautiful setting. If it is too cold to go for a swim, an island tour introduces relics hailing back to the island's religious origins, including a 12th century convent and ruins of a Franciscan and a Dominican church. During summer months, bicycles, inline skates and 'bringóhintó', a four-wheeled bike for four, are available for rent. Since vehicles are prohibited, the island is a fantastic escape from the bustle of the big city and a great place to work out, swim a few laps, or go for a run. Other attractions on the island include the Centennial Memorial which commemorates the 100th anniversary of Budapest, a Japanese Garden, a tiny zoo, a music fountain, and an octagonal water tower, built in Art Nouveau style in 1911. The outdoor theater hosts operas, concerts and plays during summer. The thermal water on Margaret Island is famous for its healing effects. The natural, thermal water running beneath the island was first brought to the surface in 1886. In addition to its healing power, a day at the Danubius Health Spa is also a great way to relax and unwind.
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Proudly bearing its title of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hortobágy National Park is the perfect archetype of pristine natural landscapes. This is the place where everyone longs to find refuge from the monotony of modern human existence. The feeling of unfettered freedom, encapsulated in the spectacle of the endless horizon, mirages, grazing herds of cattle and horses, and sweep-pole wells, will capture your imagination and soul during a horse-and-carriage ride or “puszta” safari. A picturesque trip to the fishponds on the small narrow-gauge train, combined with some birdwatching, will serve unique experiences to both young and older adventurers. Here the breeze wafts the scent of fragrant chamomile, mint, and artemisia from wild fields, gently touching your nose just like the waves of the ocean rhythmically splashing on the shore. It is a place where you will reinterpret the meaning of silence. It is a place where you might even reach celestial bodies during the special night treks in Starry Sky Park. In Hungary’s oldest and largest national park, awarded the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) prize, hundred-year-old herdsman’s traditions are still part of people’s means of subsistence and not mere promotional gimmicks.
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Kopacki Rit Nature Park
Kopacki Rit (pronounced ko-pachkee rit) Nature Park is a flood area ( rit means marsh) between the Drava and Danube rivers in the Osijek-Baranjska region of eastern Croatia. Sometimes called "the pearl of the Drava", the nature park covers 177 sq kilometres holding more than 20000 waterbirds in winter of 267 different species. You'll find cormorants, herons, gulls, terns, ducks and egrets Some of the birds such as the black stork and the great white egret are rare in Europe but the most prized inhabitant of Kopacki rit is the largest Croatian eagle, the white-tailed eagle. As the largest remaining wetlands in Europe, Kopacki rit changes in accordance with the seasons. In spring, high waters, mostly from the Danube, flow in the marshlands bringing fish that come to spawn in the shallows The warmth makes the water plants, plankton and insects flourish making it one of the most fertile spawning areas of the Danube region Spring is also marked by an explosion of frogs. In the central part of the reserve is a lake that is connected to the Danube by a canal that serves as a conduit for most of the water throughout the marshlands The north part of the park is composed of willow, poplar, oar and ash forests. Here you'll find deer, wild boar, fox wildcats, martens, weasels and other creatures.
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An amusement park for many, place of nostalgic dreams for some, oasis of greenery for almost everyone – and the location of the Giant Ferris Wheel, one of Vienna’s most famous symbols. The Vienna Prater is in season from March to October. But the world-famous Giant Ferris Wheel and a few other attractions are open all year round. The Vienna Prater is entertaining and exciting, but it can also be relaxing and quiet. One part of it contains attractions ranging from a nostalgic merry-go-round to an ultra-modern roller coaster. In the other area, known as the “Green Prater,” one finds widespread meadows to lie on, shady trees, and quiet paths. The motto is to have fun and enjoy yourself. Today, the Green Prater is a paradise for walkers, runners, bicyclists and horseback riders, and is highly appreciated as a large leisure area within the city limits. To get an overview of this green oasis in the city of Vienna, one best takes the Liliputbahn, a miniature railway spanning more than three miles.
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Schoenbrunn Zoo
Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna is the world’s oldest zoo still in existence and has already been voted Europe’s best zoo on five occasions. Today the Zoo at Schönbrunn is considered one of the best and most modern zoos in the world. Each year more than two million visitors come to see the panda baby, newborn elephants and many other rare animals. More than 700 kinds of animal live here - from the Siberian tiger to koalas and rhinoceros. Highlights are the giant rainforest house, the large South American enclosure and the ORANG.erie, home to Vienna's orangutans. New and extensive enclosures and animal houses are added each year. But the zoo's historic charm is always preserved. The zoo is part of the Schönbrunn UNESCO world heritage site. In the summer of 1752, Emperor Franz I. Stephan von Lothringen, Maria Theresia's husband, took his royal guests to the newly constructed menagerie in the park at Schönbrunn Palace for the first time. Ever since then, the world's oldest zoo has been operating in Vienna.
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Lunca Muresului Natural Park
The Lunca Muresului Natural Park (Floodplain) is a protected area in Romania, downstream of Arad, until to the border with Hungary, along the river Mures, classified as a natural park at the national level and as a terrestrial landscape protected by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). It comprises the dammed area of the river Mures, respectively the flood area of dams on either side of the river between high terraces of the same river. Is an area with periodic flooding where the surrounding plants and animals are adapted to this regime. Lunca Muresului Natural Park Natural Park hosts over 200 species of birds. In the forests of the park, we will find deer, wild boar, squirrel and fallow deer.
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Žebračka is an example of a floodplain forest, which has been preserved to the present as a type of hard meadow in the Bečva river basin. It has a size of 235ha and is located on the outskirts of Přerov. In this locality, the most typical wood species are oak, lettuce, hornbeam and ash. The northern part flows through the artificial canal Strhanec, which during its existence has gained a nature close to nature.
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Moravsky Kras
The largest and most beautiful karst area in central Europe is a place where visitors have their breath taken clean away. The main attraction here is the famous Macocha Abyss, some 138m deep and steeped in terrifying myths and legends. Without doubt the Moravian Karst is one of the natural wonders of the Czech Republic, which will wow every visitor.
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Schoeckl Mountain
At 1445 metres not exactly the highest, but the Schöckl, local mountain of Graz, is an extremely popular destination. Featuring everything from steep slopes to an extended plateau, it holds an almost supernatural fascination for visitors. Many hike around it several times per week, ascend on their mountain bikes or treat themselves to the comfortable cable car from St. Radegund, all with a view to rising above workaday concerns for a real highlight. In terms of its geology, the Schöckl is a limestone mountain with a core of crystalline rock. At the interface of permeable and impermeable rock, springs come to the surface. Thanks to radioactive springs and healthy air, the village of St. Radegund on the southern foot of Schöckl became an internationally renowned spa in the 19th century.
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Winzer Krems
Krems is a famous wine region and produced one of the finest bottles since 1983. Winzer Krems, Sandgrube 13, is one of the best-known wine addresses in Austria. Its setting is unique: at the gateway to the World Heritage cultural landscape of the Wachau, one of the most beautiful stretches of river valley in Europe. Pleasurable in the truest sense of the world. he centre of this region is the small picturesque town of Krems, situated in the Danube valley, marking the eastern border of one of Europe's most beautiful river landscapes - the Wachau. Most of the vineyards in Krems are placed on sun exposed primary rock and loess terraces with difficult access. The basis for the quality wines from Krems is provided by the special soil an climate conditions. The influence of the river Danube produces a mix of warm air from the South-East and cool spicy air from the North. From this micro-climate and from the soil of wLoessW or the prehistoric rock the vines create that distinctive aroma full of fruit which distinguishes wines from WINZER KREMS.
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Podyji National Park
Even though it is the smallest Czech national park, the Podyjí National Park is among the most important natural sites in Central Europe. Here you will find an exceptionally well-preserved river valley in a richly wooded landscape full of breathtaking scenery.
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Wachau Cruise
Between late March and early November, the proud red and white DDSG fleet departs for relaxed cruises through the Wachau region, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, up to 3 times per day in each direction. A cruise in the Wachau region is always a special experience – no matter if in spring when the apricot and other trees are in full bloom, in summer when you can enjoy bright blue skies, or in autumn when you can watch the afternoon sun bathing the vineyards in red and gold. Our dense timetable gives you many options of experiencing the region from the water between Krems, Dürnstein, Spitz, Emmersdorf and Melk.
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The countryside immediately around Graz is wild and romantic. Among the natural attractions hidden away here are narrow gorges and gullies, through which busy streams rush. The beautiful Kesselfallklamm is like a little sister to the mighty Bärenschützklamm. Well secured steps allow you to explore this romantic gully comfortably with children too. At its northern end is the town of Semriach, a health resort popular for its air quality and treasured as a wonderful patch of Styria. The Kesselfall gorge, the most spectacular section of the Rötschbach stream, has been accessible since 1904. The Kesselfall circle trail (R3) starts at the Sandwirt restaurant in Augraben. A pictorial sign will show you the way: a man falling into a pot (Ger. "Kessel"). Fresh from the spring, the water rushes and roars over waterfalls, in rapids and through pools. From the highest of the falls, the water plunges in cascades over a 38m drop. Thanks to more than 50 ladders and bridges, in all, about 1,800 rungs, you can experience this marvel up close. On the upper reaches of the gorge, where the Rötschbach stream is silently murmuring, the circle trail turns to the right. Walking steeply uphill, you will first reach an unusual rock formation called "Stone Gate" and will pass a cave, before going downhill and finishing the tour in the valley at Sandwirt. In one and a half hours of walking you would have covered 2.7 km and an altitude difference of 200m.
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Lurgrotte Cave Peggau
Stala‘c’tite from the ‘c’eiling, stala‘g’mite on the ‘g’round. This mnemonic can help you to identify the wonderful stone formations at the Lurgrotte, Austria’s largest dripstone cave. Here calcium mineral deposition over millions of years has yielded enchanting natural artworks both fragile and massive, with fantastic names meaning prince, giant and grand candle stick. You can explore this fascinating cavern complex accompanied by an expert guide, starting from either Peggau or Semriach. The first person daring to enter the depths of Lurgrotte was the Italian cave scientist Max Brunello. In 1894 he discovered the Great Dome. This huge hall with an area of 120m by 80m and a height of 40m is among the biggest of its kind in central Europe and can be reached from the Semriach entrance. During guided tours a special atmosphere is created in the chamber by dramatic sound and lighting effects. Along the approximately 2km trail accessible from Semriach you can marvel, for example, at the forty-ton "giant" being probably the thickest hanging stalactite in the world.
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Adventure Park Graz
Just on the outskirts of Graz there’s an exciting park, offering all manner of adventures and opportunities to explore your limits. At Abenteuer Park Graz there’s a forest climbing park, tightropes on which to balance; you can try archery, climb piles of crates and explore nature discovery trails. Here the wisdom of Confucius applies: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.”
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Boat ride on the Danube
Linz changes your perspectives! Would you like to see how? Where better than by discovering the city from the Danube! You can also go on excursions into the beautiful Danube region from Linz, or take a tour or an evening cruise where you can listen to music and dine in the restaurant. The shipping companies based in Linz invite you to unwind on a boat trip on Danube, to escape the stress of everyday life and to relax on the Danube.
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Let's set off up Linz's local mountain! An excursion to Pöstlingberg is an unforgettable experience – not only for children! Whether families visit the pilgrimage basilica, the viewing platform, the Hartlauer Photo Gallery, the zoo or the realm of fairy tales and dwarves – the Grottenbahn, they're sure to have a great time high above Linz. Or you can enjoy the breathtaking view of the city by the colourful Danube as a cosy twosome! Change your perspectives on Linz!
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Lake Woerthersee
In Klagenfurt, you will find its wonderful eastern bay, which stretches to Maria Wörth. The public lidos in Klagenfurt, Maria Loretto and Maiernigg invite you to bathe in one of the warmest alpine lakes in Europe, with green sunbathing lawns and shady trees. Boat hire and fun sports, such as banana rides or Water Walking, will turn a day at the lake into a small adventure. In the spacious parklands which make up Europapark, with its skater park and adventure playground, you can relax, do sports or simply enjoy a delicious ice cream on a leisurely walk. Here in Klagenfurt, pleasant walks and bicycle tours often begin along the Lendkanal or on the shore of Lake Wörthersee. The Loretto peninsular is an idyllic location that juts out into the water, with a bar and restaurant there offering pleasant refreshment opportunities. The Kreuzbergl also reveals itself as a peaceful oasis: Just a few minutes’ walk from the town center itself, visitors are able to stroll through the forest and past small ponds.
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Despite being relatively young, Bukovel is known as one of the most famous and ultramodern ski resort in Ukraine. This recreational haven owes its enormous popularity among both Ukrainian and foreign lovers of outdoor activities to its climate, endless comforts, and plenty of well-equipped skiing trails. Bukovel is situated in one of the most beautiful places in the country, the Ukrainian Carpathians, at an altitude of 920 meters (over 3000 feet). Because snows fall early in the year, and stay for a long time, from November to April the resort has ideal skiing and snowboarding conditions. The resort has 16 ski lifts, ranging from 650 meters to 2000 meters (2130 to 6560 feet) long, which make it one of the biggest ski resorts not only in Ukraine but all of Eastern Europe. Bukovel is especially proud of its excellent ski trails, which, in total, are over 50 kilometers (30 miles) long. They are spread out across five mountains, on specially prepared slopes. Each visitor can choose a track to his or her experience level: there are difficult trails for professionals, and easier ones for beginners; they even have slopes for children. All the trails are equipped with snow canons and are constantly maintained, so they always stay in perfect condition. Bukovel’s slopes are also lit up, so they stay open in the evening. These high-grade trails attract not only skiers, but also those who are fond of snowboarding and riding snowmobiles.
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Carpathian National Nature Park
This is the first and the largest national park in Ukraine, created in 1980 to protect the unique natural riches of the Carpathian Mountains. Majestic mountains, picturesque valleys, mountain pastures, crystal lakes, pure rivers, healing springs, valuable monuments of archaeology, history and architecture - all of them make the Carpathian Natural Park desirable to many travellers from all over the world. Located in the mountains of the Prut River basin, the park occupies a territory of over 50 thousand hectares. It amazes not only with its fantastic landscapes and unforgettable scenery, but also with the variety of its flora and fauna. A large number of various plants grow in the part, many of which are on the endangered species list, and almost 200 species of animals and birds live here. Nine hundred meters (2950 feet) above sea level, the Guk waterfall is considered to be the park’s gem, as are the glacial lakes Maricheika (on the mountain Shurin-Gropa) and Nesamovyte (on the mountain Turkul). It is said that sinners’ souls live in the Nesamovyte lake, so one should not swim and throw stones into it. If its waters are disturbed, the sky will fall down in a hailstorm. To judge from the frequency of storms in the region, the park’s guests frequently break this taboo.
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Situated in the picturesque Prut River valley, this little town is one of the most famous tourist centers of the Carpathian region. First and foremost, Yaremche is a popular ski resort. Its numerous visitors are attracted by its breathtaking mountain landscapes, pure air, unique Guzul character, and variety of leisure activities. During the winter, Yaremche is populated with skiers and snowboarders. Winters here are a skier’s paradise: it is not too cold, and there is very little wind, but a lot of snow. The mountain slopes especially good for beginners, but are unlikely to impress professionals. Thus, more experienced skiers often choose to visit neighbouring ski resorts - Bukovel, Vorohta and Yablunitsa. But you can admire Yaremche’s unique architecture of all year round! You will find many interesting churches, monasteries, and landmarks in the town. Yet perhaps the town’s main attraction is the Probiy waterfall. It is certainly not the highest (it is only 8 meters – 26 feet – high), but it is the most powerful and picturesque waterfall in all the Ukrainian Carpathians. The torrents of the Prut River, which find their way through the stones, create an unforgettable show, which you can watch from a small footbridge that crosses the river. Not far from the waterfall lies a well-known souvenir market, which has already become one of Yaremche’s most popular attractions. You can buy original handicrafts of local craftsmen, at the same time getting acquainted with the distinctive Guzul culture.
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Wrocław Afrykarium is the only theme oceanarium devoted solely to the African fauna. On average, 2.5 thousand people visit it on the weekdays. The idea of Wrocław Afrykarium is to present the selected ecosystems of Africa, including: The Red Sea - the coral reef and the fish of the reef; The Red Sea beach - desert tortoises; The African Great Lakes (Tanganyika and Malawi) - about 50 various species of fish - cichlids; The Mozambique Channel - rays, hammerhead sharks, zebra sharks and many more.
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Wratislavia Floating Restaurant
Wratislavia is the largest fluvial passenger vessel in Poland. The middle deck contains a bar and a restaurant. The lower deck is a wedding and banquet hall, which serves as a bistro during cruises. At the top, there is an open solar deck with colourful pillows and sun loungers that provides complete relaxation and comfort. The Wratislavia vessel cuisine impresses above all with its sophisticated menu, including exquisite meats such as duck and guinea hen or excellent steaks served with original side dishes based on Polish vegetables, fruit and herbs. The comfort of our guests during cruises is guaranteed by our experienced crew, wonderful waiters and bartenders, and the best cooks.
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Ice Caves in Werfen
The world’s biggest ice cave is the site of fascinating ice sculptures and is one of the most popular sightseeing attractions in Salzburg! Werfen’s “World of Ice Giants” is actually the world’s biggest ice cave: The cave system extends more than 42 km deep into the mountain. The first section, about a kilometer in length, features imposing ice formations and is open to the public. Since it is a protected natural monument, development of the cave has been painstakingly cautious in order to preserve its unique natural beauty and ecosystem. Stepping through the imposing cave entrance, 20 meters wide and 18 high, you enter a mysterious world of ice. Aside from its enormous dimensions, the cave impresses with its ice palaces of crystalline beauty. Monumental formations glisten to amazing effect in the light of the traditional mine lamps which are issued to visitors. Winding passageways and galleries with evocative names such “Diamond Kingdom” lead you deeper and deeper into the mountain.
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Ucka Nature Park
Mount Učka is the ideal place for relaxation and recreational activities such as hiking. The view from its highest peak is definitely something not to be missed.
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Gaisberg & Gaisberg Road
The Gaisberg is a popular local mountain just a few kilometers from the city center of Salzburg itself. With an elevation of 1287 m above sea level, it is an absolute Eldorado for recreational sports, hiking and nature. Readily accessible year-round, for the most part it is also suitable for children, with all kinds of opportunities for outdoor exercise, games and a bite to eat. In summer, the Gaisberg is an inviting destination for road cycling, mountain biking and hiking. “High-flyers” love to launch themselves from the top of the Gaisberg by paraglider – while spectators still summoning the courage to emulate them look on admiringly and allow themselves to be inspired. Yet another summer highlight is the Gaisberg Race for vintage automobiles. In winter, the outdoor program includes ski touring and cross-country skiing: hiking paths and touring routes are kept nicely maintained, while the XC trails are freshly tracked almost every day.
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Karlstejn Golf Resort
What golfer could resist playing a renowned 27-hole golf course with the romantic backdrop of the majestic Karlštejn Castle? A rolling landscape with forests and limestone rocks is the ideal setting for a leisurely game of golf. The Karlštejn Golf Resort is also within easy reach of the capital city of Prague. Test for yourself the accuracy of the course architects’ motto: “An easy bogey but a difficult birdie.” The prestige of the course is underscored by the fact that it was a venue for the European PGA Tour in 1997. Perhaps you won’t break the record of Patrik Sjöland, who finished in just 61 strokes, but you’ll certainly never forget the golf course and scenery here.
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Cable Car Untersberg
The modern Untersberg cable car carries you in comfort to the top of Salzburg City’s most legendary local mountain. As you step out of the lift, you will be greeted by imposing views that stretch out to the far horizon. The ride in one of two roomy gondolas takes about ten minutes. When you step out at the top, an incredible view of Salzburg City, Berchtesgadener Land (in Germany) and the Rosittental deep below reveals itself before your eyes. In good visibility, you can even see all the way out to the Salzkammergut lakes as well as Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria. The surrounding Alpine world is also boundlessly fascinating: Panorama boards help you get your bearings so that you easily be able to make out the Dachstein Massif as well as the Hohe Tauern range, an awe-inspiring world of eternal ice.
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Calimani National Park
The Calimani National Park (Parcul National Calimani) is a protected area situated in Romania. Located in Calimani Mountains, including the largest volcanic crater in Romania with a diameter of about 10 km (out now), Calimani National Park has a total area of 24.041.
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Raslina Village
Raslina is a village on the western coast of Prokljan Lake. It was mentioned for the first time in 1298 when the Šibenik diocese was established. In 1457 the church of St. Michael was built, and in the beginning of the 16th century, in order to defend from the Turks, the Raslina fortress was built with solid walls and defence towers. In World War II it was burnt to the ground. Today, Raslina is a tourist destination known for its fish specialities and quality wines.
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Geological Park Fantazija Monfiorenzo
Near the road Rovinj-pula, about 2 kilometres far from the centre of the City of Rovinj, in the locality of Monfiorenzo, is situated the quarry phantasy, a geological park of remarkable beauty and importance. According to the expert opinion of numerous scientists, it is one of the most significant natural monuments in the world in the perspective of the karst phenomenon. The lime-stone of the quarry phantasy, like the open book pages, illustrate the history of the evolution of the terrestrial crust. Various layers give evidence of the existence of the fossilized meadows consisting of sea-weeds, which, blended with lime-stone silt, were drifted on the shore by strong currents during the last 130 million years. The quarry phantasy will reveal to a more careful visitor a considerably big number of furrows made of black and white dolomiti layers. Furthermore, there are fissures formed by tightening and exsiccation of the silt that had been squeezed into the previously created sediment. The lower part of these stony layers was formed below the sea level, while the upper part is the result of the high-tide.
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Palud Ornithological Reserve
Eight kilometres south of Rovinj on an area of ​​about 20 hectares in the rainy periods and two hectares in periods of drought, near the sea and the bays Cisterna and Gustinja, it is located the only ornithological reserve in Istria, the "Special ornithological reserve Palud - Palù" whose trademark is the Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus). Palud was a freshwater swamp that the Austro-Hungarian army connected to the sea in 1906 by digging a channel with the hope that the increased salinity of water would stop the development of mosquito larvae and thus prevent malaria. They didn't manage to suppress malaria but as a result of the mixing of fresh and saltwater in the swamp, mullets and eels, fish that prefer brackish water, found their habitat.
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Forest Park Golden Cape
The forest park Punta Corrente (Golden Cape) is one of the most important natural attractions of Rovinj. At the end of the nineteenth century, Georg Hütterott bought four Rovinj islands (St. Andrew, Maskin, Sturag and San Giovanni) and began cleaning up an area of about 90 hectares on the Golden Cape to build a spa. His premature death interrupted the realization of this ambitious project, but his vision remained and contributed to the development of tourism in this area. The uniqueness of Punta Corrente has been recognized in 1961 and declared a nature park. Golden Cape is ideal for various sporting activities such as running, cycling, gymnastics. The old quarry has been transformed into a paradise for lovers of free climbing. The park is perfect for a leisurely stroll. The whole area is closed to traffic from motor vehicles. The beaches of Punta Corrente are worth a visit. As in the rest of the coast, there are rocky capes and pebble bays suitable for children. In several places along the coast there are beach bars where you can refresh.
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Brijuni Islands National Park
Brijuni Islands are situated near the city of Pula and represent the only National Park in Istria County. They were declared as National Park in 1983. With its 14 islands, 743,30 ha of area and water surface of 2652 ha (total area of 3395,00 ha), they represent the most indented and interesting islands in Istria. By arriving at Brijuni Islands and walking on its gentle paths, one can immediately notice why they deserved almost mythical status with its pleasant and mild climate. There is an important archaeological site on these islands in the northern Adriatic, and there is a rich cultural ancestry of the islands from the earliest to modern times.