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Castle Museum & Castle Tower
The new Castle Museum exhibition was opened in 2011 by the National Heritage Institute. Museum visitors have a unique opportunity to peek into the secrets of the castle depositories relating to the most important events connected with the Rožmberk, Eggenberk and Schwarzenberg owners of the Krumlov estate. Entry to the Castle Museum exhibition is individual, without a guide but with the option to rent an audioguide. This rounded six-storied tower, surrounded by the residential palace of the Little Castle, is situated on a narrow rocky promontory towering above Latrán and the Vltava River between the Ist and IInd Courtyard of Český Krumlov Castle. The origins of this structure are partly Gothic and partly Renaissance, as is evident from the tower's external appearance. The tower as well as the Little Castle is a segment of a structure dating from the first half of the 13th century. Castle Tower The oldest part of it is the groundfloor and first floor. The origin of the second floor is around the 14th century, while the third floor is part of the Renaissance belfry. We can not eliminate the Gothic origin, however, due to the bell dated 1406. Under the architect Baldassare Maggi of Arogno, the castle was remodelled and converted from a plain Gothic palace into a Renaissance residence, and the tower was provided with an arcaded gallery at the top in 1581. In 1590 the tower was decorated with mural paintings and figural and architectural motifs by Bartoloměj Beránek - Jelínek. Castle Tower The Tower is the symbol of the town of Český Krumlov, of its history and beauty. It is "The towerest of all towers" as once characterised by Karel Čapek. The tower is publically accessible and offers a beautiful view over Krumlov and surroundings.
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Cesky Krumlov State Castle
Český Krumlov State Castle with its architectural standard, cultural tradition, and expanse ranks among the most important historic sights in the central European region. Originally Gothic castle from 13th century was enlarged in 14th century and it was rebuit in the Renaissance style in 16th century.
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St. Vitus Church
Kostel sv. Víta je gotická trojlodní stavba pocházející z období 1407 - 1439. Byl ovšem vystavěn na základech starší stavby z roku 1309. V 17. a 18. století byl kostel rozšiřován a upravován. Gotický vstupní portál pochází z roku 1410.