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ParksandGardens, Joao Pessoa

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Lagoa Park
"Postcard" of João Pessoa, the Lagoon Park Solon de Lucena offers leisure and security to the population of the city and tourists visiting the capital of Paraíba. There are 35 thousand square meters of paved walkways connected to the four entrances of the Park, which has 24 hour security and 553 lighting points, of which 262 are LED spotlights. The venue has 12 squares, bike path, jogging track, international standard skate park, extreme sports area with slackline, climbing wall and a deck available for free for parties and events. Green is also one of the hallmarks of Parque da Lagoa, which has 215 palm trees and 738 native trees (Pau-Brasil, Sibipiruna, Gameleira, Oitizeiros, Pitombeiras, yellow, pink and purple ipe) and exotic (Ficus macrocarpa, Castanholas, Cássea Rust).
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13 De Maio Park
The park is the largest green area of the Central Region of Recife, with its 6.9 Hectares. It was the 1st Urban Park of Recife and has a children’s playground, sculptures of Abelardo da Hora, fountains and jogging track, Academia da Cidade (gym for the Recife population) and Mini zoo.
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Cajueiro de Pirangi
The tree enchants by its gigantic size and production, which reaches 80 thousand fruits per crop! Instead of growing upwards, the branches grow sideways and because of their own weight, tend to bend downwards, reaching the ground. From the original trunk, dozens of branches grow, which in turn become other trunks, with roots with depth of up to 2 meters. The tree manages to produce from 70 to 80 thousand cashews per crop, the equivalent of 2.5 tons. The fruits are not sold, but it is possible to take some home. The site has a structure with craft shops in the region, a 10 meters-high viewing spot and guides who speak English and Spanish.
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Parque das Dunas
Area of environment preservation, it maintains threatened species, being one of the biggest parks of Natal! Parque das Dunas, in Natal, was created in 1977 with an area of 1,172 hectares and it is the first Environment Preservation Unit implemented in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The Park receives annually around 150 thousand visitors. It has Bosque dos Namorados, where it is possible to walk and do gymnastics. There are also picnic and exhibit areas. The Park has Atlantic forest plant formations and over 270 tree species, such as pau-brasil (Caesalpinia echinata), peroba (Aspidosperma polyneuron), and sucupira (Pterodon emarginatus), as well as bromeliads and orchids. Regarding fauna, it is possible to observe timbu (Didelphis albiventris), gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii), foxes, sagui (Callithrix jacchus), jiboia (Boa constrictor), snakes and a large amount of insects.
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Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
Open in 1961, the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, aims to protect a portion of the Brazilian Cerrado. In 2001, the Park was declared a Natural Heritage by Unesco. With almost 66 thousand hectares, it is home to beautiful waterfalls, natural pools and rock formations (some with more than a billion years). It is the brightest point seen from Earth’s orbit, according to Nasa, because of its quartz crystals. Birds are always present: parakeets, toucans, macaws, among others. Wildlife includes armadillos, veados-campeiros, jaguars, among others, and, on the Park’s trails, you can find a diverse flora. The Park’s main attractions are its waterfalls, such as the Prata and Santa Bárbara. The trails (Sete Quedas, dos Saltos, dos Cânions and da Seriema) also attract those who like to walk among nature. Each trail has different degrees of difficulty, ranging from 230 m (track with accessibility) to 23.5 Km.
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Praca dos Tres Poderes
Designed by Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa, the Praça dos Três Poderes is one of Brasília’s main attractions and headquarters of the three powers of State: the Palácio do Planalto (Presidential Palace), the Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF (Supreme Court) and the Congresso Nacional (National Congress). The Três Poderes cultural center, subject to the local Cultural Secretary, manages the activities of the three cultural spaces of the plaza. They are: the Museu Histórico da Cidade (the city’s historical museum that contains historical records on the city’s construction), the Espaço Lucio Costa (with an enormous scale model of Brasília) andthe Panteão da Pátria (with art works honoring national heroes). At the Praça dos Três Poderes, you can also find monuments designed by renowned international artists such as Os Candangos, by Bruno Giorgi; A Justiça, by Alfredo Ceschiatti, located in front of the Supreme Court; O Pombal e a Pira da Pátria, by Niemeyer; and the Mastro da Bandeira, with the largest national flag in the world.
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Liberty Square Cultural Circuit
The Praça da Liberdade is not just something you see on a postcard of Belo Horizonte. Throughout its 100-year history, it has been the scene of important political decisions, social movements and even cultural, leisure and sporting events. Since 2010, the square has been an additional source of pride. Following the relocation of the state government offices to Cidade Administrativa, the buildings were converted into museums and spaces that now make up the Praça da Liberdade Cultural Circuit. One of its points of difference is the institutional management of the spaces, which permits a greater connectivity and diversity of cultural programmes. The complex is supported by the Sérgio Magnani Cultural Institute in partnership with the Government of Minas Gerais. Whoever visits the Praça da Liberdade Cultural Circuit can also visit three other spaces that are within easy reach: the Minas Tênis Culture Centre, Casa Una Culture Centre and the Belas Artes Cinema. In addition to being of great symbolic and architectural value to the city, the area is home to several places that exhibit the vast majority of Minas Gerais's cultural diversity and art that is known worldwide, all within a few blocks.
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Rio D'Ouro Reservoir
Preserved and in full activity, Rio D'Ouro Reservoir, built in 1880, is an architectural jewel of Nova Iguaçu, located on a natural site covered by the Atlantic Rainforest. From its pavilion, there is a footbridge that crosses the reservoir and leads to a fountain made of cast iron designed by the French sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier Belleuse. He was the designer of the torches of the staircase at the Paris Opera Theater as well as the professor of the acclaimed sculptor, Auguste Rodin. Nymphs, carved in the foundries of Val D'Osne in France, guard the fountain adorned by twigs and the Brazilian coat of arms. With a sophisticated hydraulic engineering for the time of its implementation, Rio D'Ouro Reservoir is listed by INEPAC (State Institute of Cultural Heritage).
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Parque Lage
At the foot of the Corcovado Mountain, Parque Lage delights with 52 hectares of pure green, cultural and art programs. Originating from an old sugar mill, the park makes part of the historic memory of the city. In 1957, it was tumbled by the IPHAN like as historical and cultural heritage of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The main edification of the space, a big house of the XIX century, the Visual art school, works in Parque Lage (EAV), which offers free formation to beginner artists, training courses in art for youth, plus an intense program of exhibitions, seminars, lectures and video shows. EAV also have a library and auditorium with capacity for 150 people. On the main mansion courtyard by the pool, the BistrôPlage offers a delicious breakfast, more lunch and dinners with organic product which can be savored with the art and music events that happens on the place every year. In several weekends, ParqueLage crosses the down with art parties and festivals and music sponsored by initiative private and public.
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Botanical Garden of Rio De Janeiro
Founded in 1808 by D. João VI, the Botanical Garden is an important touristic side of the city and so much visited by researchers who study the hundreds species that are there. With total area of 137 hectares, being 54 of acreage, the Botanical Garden houses rare collections of bromeliads and orchids, as well as old trees and exotic plants. The Garden also has constructions in the beginning of the century XVI, saving a rich historical and cultural heritage. Between the monuments, we highlight the Eco and Narciso de mestre Valentim statues, the portal of the Academy of Fine Arts, projected by Grandjean de Montigny, and the Japonese Garden, created in 1935, from the donation of 65 species of tipical Japanese plants. The Park also is an excellent place to observe the birds, because there are more than hundred different species in the crowns and trunks of their trees
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Augusto Ruschi Ecology Reserve
The place is opened to the public for didactic visitation guided by technicians, with carefully elaborated tracks, showing aspects of typical ecosystems: paludosa forest, restingas, swamps, beach, sea rocks and Tabuleiro forest. Various uncommun attractives of the landscape provide a pleasant sightseeing pleasure and direct contact with the nature, good of seeing, feeling, to hear and to smell.
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Roberto Burle Marx Park
Roberto Burle Marx Municipal Park, better known as "Parque da Cidade", located in São José dos Campos - SP, occupies an area of ​​about one million square meters that was part of the former Parahyba Weaving Farm. In this vast perimeter are sheltered a great diversity of plant species and a beautiful landscape composed of gardens, imperial palm trees, lakes, artificial islands, woods and boulevards. The gardens, by Roberto Burle Marx, and the Olivo Gomes Residence, designed by Rino Levi, make up an important work of modern architecture. One of the main attractions of the park is the contact with nature. It provides the user with pleasant walks on paths surrounded by dense vegetation consisting of native and exotic species and inhabited by rich wildlife.
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Ibirapuera Park
Opened in 1954, during Sao Paulo's 400th anniversary, the Ibirapuera Park has a 1.6 million m² area and sports courts, bicycle racks and restaurants. The project was led by Oscar Niemeyer, the architect who created most of the buildings in Brasilia. It also involved several professionals, such as architects Ulhoa Cavalcanti and Zenon Lotufo, besides landscapers Burle Marx and Augusto Teixeira Mendes. The Ibirapuera has been elected "one of the 10 best urban parks in the world" by The Guardian, and it gathers athletes in the running lanes, soccer courts and open gym equipment. It also charms people looking for culture. The Museu de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Museum), the Museu de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Museum), the Museu Afro Brasil (Afro Brazil Museum), the Auditorio Ibirapuera (Ibirapuera Auditorium), the Pavilhão Japonês (Japanese Pavilion) and the Oca are all in the park. Take the time to also visit the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (Masp), which is only 6 km away.
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Sao Paulo Zoo
Since its inauguration in 1958, Sao Paulo Zoo has already attracted more than 70 million visitors. Located at the heart of more than 900,000 m of original Atlantic forest, the grounds are home to 3,000 different animal species, each evolving in a dedicated biotope which closely reflects its natural surroundings. This institution is the ideal tool for increase awareness among the general public of the problems related to protecting the species to which the Amazonian forest is home.
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Praca Alexandre Albuquerque
Praca Alexandre Albuquerque, also known as Praça 12 de Setembro, was built in 1826 and is located in the south of the Platô district. He has been named after the Portuguese governor Caetano Alexandre de Almeida e Albuquerque since 1975, who ruled from 1869 to 1876. The rectangular square of about 7,200 square meters is covered with trees, mainly mango and kapok. On the square next to a fountain are two monuments, a monument to Alexandre Albuquerque and another for Serpa Pinto. On its east side are the cathedral and the Palace of Justice, on the south side the town hall and on the west and north side commercial buildings.
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Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary
Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary situated outside of picturesque Regent Village is only 30 minutes from Freetown. Located along the Regent/Bathurst mountain road, this sanctuary for orphaned and habituated chimpanzees is a refuge for human visitors as well. Offering daily scheduled visits, as well as 6 eco-huts for overnight stays, Tacugama is the perfect place for those wishing to escape the heat and hustle of Freetown and enjoy fragrant forest breezes in the company of some extraordinary creatures. The Sanctuary now offers self-catering accommodation in the form of 6 beautifully crafted lodges. Established to rescue orphaned and captured chimps, the facilities expanded to encompass two large reserves. Tacugama has been featured in various wildlife programmes and magazines. A rescued albino chimp at the sanctuary also helped to bring it to international attention. Sadly, the albino chimp is no longer alive but the sanctuary continues to grow from strength to strength. These endangered animals share 98.6 per cent of their DNA with humans and their complex social behaviours and human-like tendencies are fascinating to behold. The story behind Tacugama is just as riveting. Established in 1995, this sanctuary, which covers 100 acres of rain-forest and watershed, is home to 90 chimpanzees that have been victimized by the illegal hunting, capturing, and selling of their species. During the conflict, Tacugama staff smuggled food to the chimpanzees and pleaded with the rebels to spare their lives. Don’t miss the extraordinary experience of viewing these intelligent beings up-close in their natural habitat.
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Parque Cretacico
Sucre is home to one of the largest collections of dinosaur footprints in the world. The footprints (over 5000 of them) are set into a the Cal Orck’o cliff, just 5kms from the city center. Discovered on the grounds of the local cement company, Fancesa, the footprints have been turned into a major tourist attraction with the creation of a dinosaur-themed park which includes a museum dedicated to the findings, and a collection of life-size dinosaur sculptures including the enormous titanosaurus. Called Parque Cretácico, the park can easily be visited in a couple of hours and is a must for any visit to Sucre. Because let’s face it – dinosaurs are awesome.
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Andromeda Botanic Gardens
Andromeda Gardens was established by the renowned Iris Bannochie as a private family garden. Previously farmland, Mrs Bannochie created a unique garden from scratch with many trees, palms and other plants collected from her travels across the globe. The variety of plants in this historic garden is unparalleled and simply wonderful – a true horticultural delight. She bequeathed the garden to the Barbados National Trust in 1988 and only organic practices are used in the garden. Andromeda Botanic Gardens is simply a work of creative genius. Creativity extends to the recently opened Andromeda Gallery Lounge which provides an opportunity for local artists/craftspeople to display and sell their work. Mahogany sculptures, hand-made soaps and perfumes, bags, art and photography are all available at the Gallery Lounge. Great garden, cool café, creative crafts, life-long learning. Andromeda Botanic Gardens – an amazing garden and so much more!
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Hunte's Gardens
Take a relaxing wander through these beautifully landscaped gardens, where antiques and statues mingle with exotic plants, and gentle opera and classical music float in the air. The owner, Anthony Hunte, is one of Barbados’ most colourful characters. If available, he will regale visitors with tales.
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Flower Forest Botanical Gardens
Find your missing Peace. The Flower Forest is a perfect place to retreat from the hustle of the world for a few hours. Breathe the pure, clean oxygen in the easterly breezes that have just crossed an entire ocean, and feel a peace come over you. The heart of the garden is one of the most romantic, serene places in Barbados. A quiet gazebo, numerous, strategically-placed benches, views over the hills, amazing tropical flowers, a shaded forest of peace and tranquillity. Large indoor/outdoor pavilion where you can gather your thoughts, taking in the sounds of the birds in the forest, order a fantastic lunch with local fish cakes, flying fish, or perhaps a simple cup of lemongrass or bay leaf tea to soothe the soul….
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Farley Hill National Park
Once the site of a beautiful mansion built by Sir Graham Briggs for the entertainment of royalty including King George V in 1879, today Farley Hill has been designated a national park by Barbadian Government. And though the mansion itself was destroyed by fire in 1965, the gutted remains still stand and provide an ideal setting for a picnic and a day of fun in the park, while offering stunning views of the island’s southern point.
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Barbados Wildlife Reserve
This is the animal kingdom of Barbados, where you can stroll freely among animals feeding and playing in their natural environment. Here you can see agouti, armadillo, Brocket deer, pelicans, and caimans. Monkeys are most abundant at afternoon feeding time. Reptiles include snakes, iguanas, turtles, and tortoises. parrots, flamingos, and peacocks share the premises, adding bright splashes of colour. Only the more dangerous animals, such as pythons are kept enclosed. Top Tip: Arrive by 2 pm to see the monkeys, especially the babies being fed!
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St. Nicholas Abbey
This venue is somewhat magical, tucked away in the North of Barbados is St. Nicholas Abbey! This historical plantation boasts beautiful Jacobean architecture and lush surroundings. St. Nicholas Abbey’s great house, built by Benjamin Berringer in 1658, is one of just three Jacobean style mansions remaining in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the finest historic sites in Barbados. Its 350-year history is filled with colourful tales of murder, love and intrigue; its owners have played pivotal roles in both Barbadian and American history. Located in the hills of St. Peter, St. Nicholas Abbey encompasses over 400 acres of undulating sugar cane fields, lush tropical gullies, mahogany forests and formal gardens filled with hibiscus, roses, orchids and fruit trees. The St. Nicholas Abbey Heritage Railway, completed in late 2018, is the newest family attraction at St. Nicholas Abbey Great House Plantation and Distillery. Journey through the plantation’s grounds on our beautiful steam locomotive! Also you can take a guided tour of the Great House, circa 1650 and museum, viewing of a 1930s movie of life on the plantation, and complimentary beverage. Personal tour of the Factory, Steam Mill circa 1890 and Distillery “Annabelle” with Mr. Larry Warren, Owner and Distiller.
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Martin Cardenas Botanical Garden
This large Botanical Garden of approximately two hectares, It is named after the illustrious Doctor Martin Cardenas, Cochabamba, who devoted much of his life to the study of Botany on the flora of Bolivia traveling throughout the country. The garden has the purpose of contribute to the conservation of those resources plant of the region, conducting scientific research and teaching through its facilities on areas of Botany and the environment. The garden has various sections like the area of Cactus, Bromeliads, Amarilis, Arboretum with species native and exotic. There are also sections of medicinal plants and nursery. There is also the herbal forest national "Martín Cárdenas", created in 1976 and that account with approximately 40,000 species of all Bolivia at the facilities of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, In addition to a library specialized in themes of Botany. The garden paths allow you to discover different species shown comfortably, In addition to recreation areas to enjoy nature and a relaxing walk.
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Parc du Banco
This National Forest Reserve on the outskirts of the city covers an area of 7,500 acres of tropical rainforest. While wildlife is rather hard to spot, there are walking trails, a lake, an arboretum and a great picnic area.
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Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens
The Diamond Falls are consistently described as one of the natural wonders of St Lucia. Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens, a six acre multi-award winning tourism site, is an attractive, alluring and peaceful retreat from the outside world. Enjoy the beauty and sultry warmth of the tropics whilst walking through lush fertile vegetation and marvelling at the diverse range of tropical flowers and plant life. You have just stepped into a world with a breathtaking waterfall, hot mineral springs fill the historical baths with age old medicinal waters and flora and fauna abounds. The Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens is both a historic and a naturally beautiful site. A haven for birds and insects, which gives one a true nature experience not to be duplicated anywhere within the Caribbean.
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Pigeon Island Natonal Park
Pigeon Island National Landmark is heralded as one of the most important monuments of Saint Lucia’s history. It is a vivid representation of the cultural and historical monuments of international, civil, military and marine cross currents, characteristic of West Indian historical change. A living museum within a natural setting, Pigeon Island is being nurtured through careful protection and intelligent development to serve the intellectual, cultural and recreational needs of all who visit this historic site. The picturesque, 44 acre island reserve, off the North West, was originally surrounded by water but was joined to the mainland by a man-made causeway in 1972. Recognizing the need to secure this site where the balance of late eighteenth century naval power was decided, the Government of Saint Lucia designated Pigeon Island as a National Park in 1979 and as a National Landmark in 1992. Pigeon Island National Landmark has a number of heritage attractions and amenities which include: Ruins of military buildings used during the battles between the French and the British for the island of Saint Lucia; Two beautiful beaches; A restaurant featuring local cuisine; A pub and restaurant with a historical theme and a lookout point at the top of the Fort which gives a panoramic view of the Northwest coastline.
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Plaza de Mayo
The Plaza de Mayo is the oldest public square in Buenos aires, and has been the scene of many of the most important events in the city's history, from the second founding of the city in 1580, through the revolution of independence, to more recent political demonstrations. The square is named after the Argentine revolution, which began on May 25, 1810. Around the square are several important buildings: the Cabildo, the Metropolitan Cathedral, where Pope Francis conducted mass for 20 years, the Casa Rosada, seat of the national government, the national revenue office (AFIP), the national bank and the intelligence secretariat.
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The Palermo Rose Garden
Located within the Palermo neighbourhood's Parque Tres de Febrero - one of the most popular parks in the city, is this collection of more than 18,000 roses surrounded by a lake and acres of parkland. The land belonged to the country house of Argentine president Juan Manuel de Rosas until he was defeated in the battle of Caseros on February 3 1852. The work to design the garden was begun by French landscaper Charles Thays and finished by his disciple Benito Carrasco in 1914.
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Wadadli Animal Nature Park
Wadadli Animal Nature Park is the only one of its kind on the island. If you are a lover of nature this park is a must to see.
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Frigate Bird Sanctuary
Barbuda is known for its beautiful pristine beaches, particularly its Pink Sand, which is a treasure to many…But there is more to this breathtaking treasure box than sparkling sands and emerald sea.Barbuda is home to the largest Frigate Bird Colony in the western hemisphere.
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Teide National Park
You can not miss that wonderful National Park. You will enjoy landscapes that will seem like another planet. You will breathe the pure air of the highest peak in Spain. You will walk among the volcanic lava and you will feel tiny when you see the impressive environment declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
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Madam Tinubu, the Nigerian businesswoman and patriot, after whom the prominent Lagos landmark, “Tinubu Square,” is named lived in the area in the 19th century and was born in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Western Nigeria, to a trading family. Tinubu square is by Broad street, CMS, Marina – and the Brazilian quarters in Lagos Island .
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Visitors can find rest and relaxation on trails surrounded by gardens and trees in the Olaya Herrera National Park, which was established in 1934.