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Museums, Budapest

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Fisherman s Bastion
The main façade of the Fisherman’s Bastion, running parallel to the Danube, is approximately 140 metres long. The seven stone towers with their pointed tops symbolise the leaders of the Hungarian tribes who conquered the country in 896. It was built in place of the old fortification walls in neo-Romanesque style between 1895 and 1902 on the plans of Frigyes Schulek, who was also in charge of the reconstruction of the Mathias Church. The Bastion takes its name from the guild of fishermen that was responsible for defending this stretch of the city walls in the Middle Ages.
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Budapest Parliament
The Parliament building, a magnificent example of Neo-Gothic architecture (although displaying Renaissance and Baroque characters too), is just over 100 years old. In the 1880's an open tender was held for the design of the Parliament building. Guided tours of the Parliament are available when the National Assembly is not in session. The tour takes about 45 minutes, and is well worth the price, as it covers the main entrance stairs and hall, one of the lobbies, the old House of Lords and the Hungarian Crown Jewels.
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Proudly bearing its title of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hortobágy National Park is the perfect archetype of pristine natural landscapes. This is the place where everyone longs to find refuge from the monotony of modern human existence. The feeling of unfettered freedom, encapsulated in the spectacle of the endless horizon, mirages, grazing herds of cattle and horses, and sweep-pole wells, will capture your imagination and soul during a horse-and-carriage ride or “puszta” safari. A picturesque trip to the fishponds on the small narrow-gauge train, combined with some birdwatching, will serve unique experiences to both young and older adventurers. Here the breeze wafts the scent of fragrant chamomile, mint, and artemisia from wild fields, gently touching your nose just like the waves of the ocean rhythmically splashing on the shore. It is a place where you will reinterpret the meaning of silence. It is a place where you might even reach celestial bodies during the special night treks in Starry Sky Park. In Hungary’s oldest and largest national park, awarded the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) prize, hundred-year-old herdsman’s traditions are still part of people’s means of subsistence and not mere promotional gimmicks.
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Bratislava Castle
The former seat of the rulers, today the symbol of Bratislava and the seat of the Museum of History. There is a wonderful view of the city and the neighbouring countries from its 47-metre-high crown tower in which royal coronation jewels used to be deposited.
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Deri Museum
The Déri Museum is most famous for being the home of the greatest works of one of Hungary’s most famous and celebrated artists, Mihály Munkácsy, as well as the huge collection of other items, brought together by Frigyes Déri. Munkácsy’s awe-inspiring Christ Trilogy is housed here, the first of the trilogy, entitled front of Pilate was painted in 1882, followed by Golgotha in 1884. The trilogy was completed with Ecce Homo in 1896. In addition to its exhibits of local cultural interest, the Déri Museum has become renowned for Frigyes Déri’s collection of weapons. The weapons collection is particularly fine, comprising of three parts. Weapons from Christian Europe, from the 15-18th. The second part is comprised of classic Muslim weapons from the territory of the Ottoman Empire and Persia. The third part, although the smallest is the finest part, is the weapons collection from the Far East. The Japanese collection is of commonly used items made in the Edo era and is undoubtedly the best in Hungary.
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Debrecen Reformed College
Having functioned continuously as an educational institution since its establishment in 1538, the college is the cradle of Hungarian civilization. Designated as a national monument in 2013, it also features a museum that has permanent exhibits displaying the school’s history, student life, and the religious art of the Reformed Church in the Trans-Tisza Region. Your visit here will help you understand why Debrecen became the most important bastion of the Reformed faith in Hungary. Bedecked with majestic murals, the building’s stairwell leads to the entrance of the gigantic library storing more than 600,000 volumes, the Csokonai Room and the Oratory that housed Hungary’s National Assembly in 1849.
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Jewish Museum Eisenstadt
In 1972 the Austrian Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt was established as Austria’s very first Jewish museum after 1945. It is located in the town’s former Jewish district, near Palace Esterházy, in Palais Samson Wertheimer. In the course of your tour, you can visit not only the museum exhibitions, but also the synagogue belonging to the Palais Wertheimer, as well as both Jewish cemeteries, on a roundabout walk through the ancient Judengasse. The small synagogue to the former Hungarian state rabbi Samson Wertheimer (1658-1724) is the gem of the building and the museum. It numbers among the very few synagogues in the German speaking area which was not destroyed in the so-called Reichskristallnacht in November 1938 or during the period following.
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The Museum of the Diocese
The museum of the Diocese in Eisenstadt has been on the premises of the Franciscan monastery since 1980. Its collection of ecclesiastical art of the region (sculptures, paintings, paraments, i.e. clothes worn in religious services, and devices pertaining to the liturgy, objects of people´s piety and religious graphics) is unique in Burgenland.
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Regional Museum of Burgenland
Get to know the past and the peculiar characteristics of this region by looking at artefacts contributed by Archaeology, Biology, Geology, Art History and Ethnology. What is the purpose of the Landesmuseum? The museum´s main task is to research the historical and cultural development of Burgenland and the surrounding region of Pannonia and present a comprehensive picture of the results of this research to the public. This is done with the aim to stir and develop the understanding and general and scientific interest in the idiosyncrasies of the region. These tasks are fulfilled by scientific research, the set-up and upkeep of collections, planning and carrying out of exhibits, events such as lectures, seminars, symposia, etc. and the edition of printed materials.
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Wine Museum
The largest wine museum in Austria is situated in the 330 year-old cellar vaults of the palace. This impressive exhibition includes more than 700 fascinating objects and gives an overview of the cultural history and rich traditions of viticulture in Burgenland. Among the exhibits are the largest preserved wine barrel and the oldest Baumpresse (a historic type of Austrian basket wine press) in Burgenland.
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Museum of the Fire Department
The regional Fire Fighter´s Museum deals with the history of the volunteer fire departments of the region Burgenland. More than 450 exhibits show the development of volunteer fire departments in Western Hungary and Burgenland from the second half of the 18th century onward. The exhibits comprise manuscripts, documents, flags, uniforms, photographs but also large exhibits such as hand-held pressure hoses, fire carriages, and the first fire engine dating back to 1930.
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The Belvedere is not only a magnificent Baroque palace but also houses one of Austria's most valuable art collections – with key works by Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), successful general and art connoisseur, had Belvedere garden palace built by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt as his summer residence – at the time it was still outside the gates of the city. This baroque architectural jewel consists of two palaces (Upper and Lower Belvedere), which today house Austrian art from the Middle Ages to the present day. The heart of the Belvedere collection is formed by the 24 paintings of Gustav Klimt with his golden images "The Kiss" and "Judith". Klimt's "The Kiss" in particular is world-famous. The 180 x 180 cm painting was created in 1908/09 and shows Klimt and his friend Emilie Flöge as a couple in love. "The Kiss" is probably Austria's most famous work of art. Klimt's portraits of women also impress and be marveled at in the Upper Belvedere.
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Hofburg Imperial Palace
Vienna's Imperial Palace is one of the biggest palace complexes in the world. The oldest parts date to the 13th century, with construction having continued right into the 20th century. The Imperial Palace was the residence and seat of government of the Habsburg emperors until 1918. Today, it is home to numerous museums with outstanding collections, the Spanish Riding School, a congress center, the seat of the Austrian Federal President as well as the historic Heldenplatz.
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Kunsthistorisches Museum
Here you can see what the Habsburg Emperors collected - such as the world’s largest collection of paintings by the famous Bruegel in the picture gallery, marble statues and gold treasures in the antiquities collection, or mummies and grave goods from the empire of the Pharaohs in the Egyptian-Oriental collection. There are also ancient statues of mythical beasts to admire, while anyone interested in finding out how the children were dressed in the Spanish court 300 years ago should take a close look at the masterpieces by Velázquez.
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Schoenbrunn Palace
The former summer residence of the Habsburgs impresses with imperial ceremonial rooms and magnificent gardens. Maria Theresa, Emperor Franz Joseph, Empress Elisabeth and others once resided here. Schönbrunn Palace is one of Europe's most beautiful Baroque complexes and has been in the possession of the Habsburgs since 1569. The wife of Emperor Ferdinand II, Eleonore von Gonzaga, had a pleasure palace built on the site in 1642 and called the property "Schönbrunn" for the first time. The palace and garden complex created from 1696 onwards following the siege of Vienna was complete redesigned under Maria Theresa after 1743. Today, due to its historical significance, its unique layout and magnificent furnishings, the palace is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
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The State Theatre
THE STATE THEATRE dominates Ferdinand Square with its imposing features. Situated in the center of a true architectural museum, this building in eclectic style imposes with exceptional craftsmanship. The construction, so avidly desired by the municipality of the age, was entrusted to renowned Viennese construction firm Fellner and Helmer.
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Arad Water Tower
The Water Tower is a building in the city of Arad, which resembles a medieval fortress donjon. The Water Tower has 35 m height and was opened in 1896. At the time of construction, it was the tallest building in the city. It is a massive stone and brick building, which is characterized by the decoration of balconies and windows. On the top floor, there is a water tank with a capacity of 400 tons, which you can get using the scale.
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Fortress of Arad
The Fortress of Arad is a solid fortification system which was built in the 18th century at the orders of, and with the funding from, the Habsburg Empress, Maria Theresa. The cost to complete and erect the fortress reached 3 million Gulden (the currency used by the Habsburg Monarchy at the time). The fortress was built as an inner fortification system to protect the outer region of the Habsburg empire from conflicts in the area. The main conflicts at the time were the ongoing wars between the Habsburgs and the Turkish Ottomans. The location for the fortress was chosen strategically to be at the crossroads of two very important trade routes of the day. It lies in the middle of the trade routes that led from the West to the Transylvania Region, and from the North, Oradea, and Satu Mare, to Timisoara, and down to the Danube waterway.
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Museum of the Jewish Community
In the footsteps of the Golem to the Jewish Museum in Mikulov. For centuries Mikulov was a major Jewish centre in Moravia. This means their heritage is still very much an on-going concern. Come and visit the local museum and reveal the turbulent fate of the Jewish population, one which produced Rabbi Löw, a figure enveloped in myths and legends.
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The Roman Museum Vindobona
The Wien Museum enables us to travel back in time to the Vienna of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. In the Roman Museum on the Hoher Markt in the 1st district of Vienna you can admire Vindobona. Visitors will be able to experience ancient Vienna with all their senses through digital reconstructions. Combined with the remaining remains of the tribune houses and the 300 exhibits in the basement, a fascinating insight into the daily lives of the soldiers and inhabitants of Vindobona is provided. The 300 exhibits of the permanent exhibition were supplemented with digital reconstructions. At various gaming stations, animation films about the supply of Vindobona, replicas for attacking and a Playmobil® legionary camp are presented.
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Roman Museum
As you look at the hustle and bustle on the main square in Tulln, it is fun to remember that people were scurrying across this same spot 2,000 years ago. The Roman Museum in Marcus Aurelius Park can help to trigger your imagination. It exhibits a host of original finds, plus pictures, figurines, dioramas and models that show visitors what life was like at the Roman Cavalry Fort Comagena from about 90 AD to 488 AD. Visitors can learn interesting things about the Roman province of Noricum. They are provided with an illustrated documentation of other Roman fortifications in the Tulln area plus a depiction of military life at Fort Comagena. A model of the fort indicates its footprint in the current town map. We walk many of the same streets today that the Romans did. Visitors can admire extensive objects documenting civilian life: jewellery, glasses and pottery, inscription stones and remains of tombs plus a large hoard of coins. A couple in Celtic costumes shows the clothing of the local populace. A wall fresco painted in accordance with original finds illustrates Roman domestic culture also along the frontier of the empire. In addition, the Roman Museum offers finds consisting of a selection of grave goods to show burial customs.
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Egon Schiele Museum
The former city prison of Tulln opened in 1990 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Egon Schiele as the first museum dedicated exclusively to the life and work of the artist. To date yearly 6000 visitors come from all over the world to get an idea of the artistic beginnings of Egon Schiele. The partly preserved prison cells pose challenges for the design of exhibitions, but also contribute to the distinctive ambience of the museum. A specially furnished studio in the attic allows guests of all ages, not only to look at pictures, but also to create them.
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The museum Of Firefighting
Although the smallest of all city museums, the Museum has proved attractive to a many visitors. There is a long tradition of fire fighting in Varaždin as the City has been damaged several times by fire. The first Varaždin volunteer Fire Brigade formed in 1864, making it the first in the region.
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The Old Town Varazdin
At the northern edge of the historical centre of Varaždin separated from the city by embankments and moat, is the Old Town Castle of Varaždin. This military fortress was unassailable from the outside due to the moat which was fed by the river Drava canal and the cannons inside the walls that in some places were 2.5 metres thick. Inside is the Old Town’s Renaissance Palace, whose aristocratic owners have continually changed and adjusted it to suit their tastes from the 13th to the 19th Century. Today the entire Old Town is the Varaždin City Museum. Former illustrious owners include the Counts of Celje, Jan Vitovac, Ivaniš Korvin, Juraj Brandenburg, Counts Ungnadi and many others. The Erdödy Family ruled the City for the longest time, and the first owner was the famous General Tomo Bakač Erdödy, who defeated the Turks at Sisak in 1593. The Old Town was the Capital of the Varaždin County, and the Erdödy family were its hereditary governors. That’s why their family coat of arms which was officially confirmed by Queen Maria Therese in 1763, is still in use. The last owner of the Town sold it in 1923. The Varaždin City Museum was founded by the Varaždin Museum Society and officially opened in 1925 in a few rooms in the Old Town. Initially, the displays consisted of items donated to the newly opened museum by renowned Varaždin families. Over the years, the size and variety of the Museum Collection have increased, and today the Varaždin City Museum has specialized Archaeological, Historical, Cultural, Ethnographic and Entomological Departments. Museum Departments are housed in several buildings of historical value in the center of the City: the Gothic-Renaissance fortress Old Town, the baroque Sermage, the classical Herzer Palace and the Watchtower in the Old Town complex. The Museum’s Departments currently have four permanent exhibitions including: the Cultural and Historical Department in the Old Town, Entomology in Herzer Palace and the Gallery of Old and Contemporary Masters in the Sermage Palace. The Archaeological and Historical Department in the Herzer Palace is currently being prepared and is almost ready to open permanently.
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Comenius Museum
The Museum of Jan Amos Comenius in Přerov is the oldest museum of its kind in the world. Located in a Renaissance chateau, it presents collections of minerals, reconstructions of school classrooms from the 17th century up to the 1950s and ethnographic exhibitions of the Haná region.
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Moravian Museum
The museum was created back in 1817 by means of an imperial decree by František I, and nowadays it contains over six million items. Take a closer look at prehistoric life in Pavilon Anthropos where you will see a life-size mammoth and all the things a prehistoric family had to face.
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Spilberk Castle
A prison shrouded in horrific legends, valuable historical collections, a beautiful view over the city and many cultural events held throughout the year – all of this is Špilberk Castle. One of the two most important dominant features of the Moravian capital and a place which became synonymous with the most horrific of dungeons throughout the whole of Europe is nowadays one of the most valuable monuments in Brno. Špilberk’s importance and role changed fundamentally over the course of the centuries. This leading royal castle and seat of the Moravian margraves, gradually transformed into a monumental Baroque fortress, the toughest prison of the Austrian monarchy and later a military barracks. Nowadays it is home to Brno City Museum and one of the most important cultural centres in the city.
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Villa Tugendhat
Villa Tugendhat has borne witness to the birth of modern housing and also to the tragic fate of the people who lived there. This work by the famous German architect Mies van der Rohe is to this very day regarded as one of the four most important villas in the world. Thanks to its values, this gem of modern architecture has also been included in the UNESCO world heritage list.
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Lower Austria Museum
Lower Austria is not only Austria’s largest federal province, its geography, people and events make it Austria’s historical heartland. Its eventful history spans the first traces of human settlement, the first recorded mention of Austria (“Ostarrichi”) in the year 996, the proclamations of the 1st and 2nd Republics, and the fall of the Iron Curtain through to the unification of Europe. The new House of History is open since September 2017 in Museum Niederösterreich. Alos discover Lower Austria’s ecological and topological diversity: a splashing stream leads you from icy Alpine glaciers to the mellow waters in the lowlands. Watch live fish, amphibians, reptiles, ants in giant aquariums, terrariums and a formicarium. You can safely examine the larger inhabitants of our meadows and forests up close, because they are displayed as preserved specimens.
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Olomouc castle
You simply should not miss the Olomouc castle site situated on the Wenceslas Hill! Right here in 1306, the last Přemyslid, the Czech king Wenceslas III, was assassinated. You can admire the Bishop's Palace with its famous Romanesque windows, the gothic St. Wenceslas Cathedral, today the seat of the Archbishop of Olomouc, or the Archdiocesan Museum founded on the initiative of Pope John Paul II.
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Technical Railway Museum Lieboch
Tracking down the glory of the past in Lieboch. Housed within the former boiler house at the railway station is the Technical Railway Museum Lieboch. In the museum you can find gems like a steam locomotive from 1914, historical rolling stock and numerous exhibits, as well as experiencing historical, technical and socio-cultural aspects relating to rail transport. Multi-media presentations offer insights into important events in the history and future of Austrian railways.
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Vienna Ringstrasse
The most beautiful boulevard in the world is home not only to many of Vienna's best-known sights, such as the Imperial Palace, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Natural History Museum, the Vienna State Opera and Parliament. Magnificent palaces, extensive parks and important monuments also line the "display window" of the former Danube monarchy. Vienna's Ringstrasse is 5.3 kilometers long. Long enough to provide space for numerous monumental buildings, which were built during the period of Historicism in the 1860s to 1890s. Today, the buildings that stand there – from the Vienna State Opera to the Museum of Fine Arts – are among the most important sights in the city of Vienna. Nobles and rich citizens hurried to build pompous palaces along this magnificent boulevard. Many of these former private homes can still be admired today (mostly, however, only from the outside). The style in which the buildings were built went down in history as the Ringstrasse style (a type of Historicism). It is marked by a pluralism of styles: numerous architectural forms of previous epochs were imitated.
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Dominican Church and Monastery
1236 received the Dominicans of Duke Leopold VI. the order to set up a branch in Krems an der Donau. At about the same time, the Minorites were called to Stein. As early as 1240, the construction of a church was begun , which was vaulted around 1265. It was then built outside the city walls, the so-called Predigertor led through the city wall to Passauerhof with the Ursula chapel. The chancel of the church dates back to 1330. The impressive sacred space was initially painted colorful, well-preserved remains of which can still be seen today. The monastery and the church were one of the largest and most representative meeting rooms in the country at the time of construction , serving as a meeting place for the regional parliaments and for meetings of the handicraft mints of the region. The monastery itself was built in the Baroque style and the Gothic cloister was overgrown. A partial reconstruction in the eastern area of ​​the courtyard refers to the disappearance of the gothic colonnade of the complex.
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A knight’s tale of passion? Certainly fitting for some of the warriors in shining armour. At the Landeszeughaus armoury of Graz, standing in rank and file are the armour and weapons of valiant warriors of the Middle Ages. The special historical setting and sheer number of collector’s items make a visit to the Graz armoury a treat not to be missed. Marvel at an unbelievable 32,000 exhibits arranged on four floors, where many a visitor, large or small, drifts into dreams of heroic sagas of times past.
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The cartoon museum Krems, the only Austrian museum for satirical art, is mainly devoted to political caricature, humorous drawings, comics and illustrations. Based on the plans of the architect and caricaturist Gustav Peichl/IRONIMUS, the Caricature Museum Krems was built between 2000 and 2001 at Kunstmeile Krems (Art Mile Krems). Austria’s only building to dedicate 780 m² to caricatures, cartoons, comics and satirical art is also fully wheelchair accessible. Brace yourselves for humour, jokes and satire before you even set foot in the museum. Two of Manfred Deix’ famous figures, Mr. and Mrs. Austria, greet you with big smiles in the forecourt. This small, but special museum attracts thousands of visitors to Krems every year, the city to the gateway to the Wachau region.