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ArtGalleries, Tours

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The Museum of Fine Arts
The Museum of Fine Arts Tours is housed in a historic building of exceptional quality. The site is of paramount importance for the history of ancient Caesarodunum; the museum houses in its underground the most beautiful lapidary inscription to the glory of the Turons. The first bishops had chosen to settle near the cathedral, in a palace along the wall of the IV the century. After 1789, the Palace of the Archbishops became a theatre, Central School, library and then by departmental decree of October 6, 1792, and with the passionate energy of the founder of the city's drawing school, Charles-Antoine Rougeot and his son-in-law, Jean -Jacques Raverot, became the repository of works seized during the Revolution. The museum was officially created in 1801, 1802 and during the XIX the century, the buildings are again assigned to the archdiocese. It was not until 1910 that the collections returned to the old archepiscopal palace.
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Palais de Tokyo Museum
The Palais de Tokyo, an art deco building that dates from 1937, reopened in 2001 after a new interior design by French architects Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal who selected rough and ready style (concrete floor, wall and roof). Today the most creative and fun museum in Paris, the only one to be open till midnight. The Palais de Tokyo, which is right next door to the Musée d'Art Moderne at the Trocadero, has opened as a showcase for contemporary art. The idea is to have no permanent collections, but to let experimental artists have somewhere in central Paris to express themselves, hence an opening full of “installation” and “interactive” art. There is no permanent collection; instead, dynamic temporary exhibits spread over a large, open space that's reminiscent of a construction site, with a trailer for a ticket booth.
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Louvre Museum
Every trip to the capital deserves a visit to the Louvre to discover the wealth of treasures it contains. The museum houses western works of art dating from the Middle Ages to 1848, in addition to collections of ancient oriental, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman civilizations, as well as graphic and Islamic arts. From room to room, the former royal palace reveals its masterpieces to the public: the Mona Lisa, The Raft of the Medusa, the Venus de Milo, and The Winged Victory of Samothrace. In total, there are 35,000 works to be discovered or re-discovered! With its eight hundred year old history, the Louvre has been influenced by numerous architectural trends, from the medieval fortress of the 12th century to the glass pyramid by Pei (1989). The latest addition, housing the Islamic arts section, was designed by architects Mario Bellini and Rudy Ricciotti. The undulating glass canopy covers the Visconti courtyard, flooding the 2,800 m² new wing with light. A visit to the museum is particularly pleasant at night: the Louvre is less crowded and visitors can enjoy stunning night-time views of Pei’s glass pyramid, the Cour Carrée and the Seine.
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Caen Museum of Fine Arts
One of France's foremost art galleries in terms of European painting from the 16th to the 20th century, the Musée des Beaux-Arts boasts an exceptional collection of engravings and hosts major international exhibitions. Opening of a Cubist room. Land Art in the Sculpture Park where Jaakko Pernu's "Ceiling Light" will take its place alongside works by Bourdelle, Rodin, Marta Pan, Huang Yong Ping and Morellet.!/fiche/musee-des-beaux-arts-664/
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Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
The Museum of Fine Arts is one of the largest French and European museums. Located in the heart of Lyon, between the Rhône and Saône rivers, it is found in a magnificent building dating from the 17th century. The collections are exhibited in over 70 rooms and offer visitors an outstanding sample of art from antiquity to contemporary art. The museum is regularly enriched, through an active acquisition policy that relies on donors, art lovers, collectors and the descendants of artists.
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Musee de Millau et des Grands Causses
In the centre of Millau, a town hotel from the 18th century houses the museum: 30 exposition rooms dedicated to palaeontology, prehistory and regional archaeology, as well as traditional activities of leather craft and glove-making. Palaeontology: diverse fossils including the famous skeleton of an elasmosaur. Pre-history: furniture from the palaeolithic to the monolithic. Archaeology: the most important collection of vases from the Roman Empire with the production of the Graufesenque workshops. Leather and gloves: a DVD film retraces the specific savoir-faire, rich of ancestral traditions and modern techniques enabling skins to be worked on. A recreated workshop shows how gloves were made. Free for the individuals the first Saturday of the month.
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John Hansard Gallery
John Hansard Gallery is an internationally recognised and locally engaged contemporary art gallery in Southampton. Being part of the University of Southampton, the Gallery aims to change the world for the better through great art. To realise this the Gallery creates innovative and critically acclaimed contemporary art exhibitions, events, engagement and research projects that excite, challenge, represent and reach the widest possible public audience. From 1979 the Gallery was located on the University's Highfield Campus. In 2018, the Gallery relocated to the new purpose-built arts complex Studio 144 in Southampton's city centre, significantly increasing the space available for exhibitions, events and integrated programming. Learning and engagement are at the heart of the Gallery and underpin all its activities. The innovative education and public programme are accompanied by special community-focused projects, including activities for all ages and levels of experience.
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Southampton City Art Gallery
The gallery, based in Southampton's burgeoning Cultural Quarter, opened in 1939. The gallery attracts art-lovers, curious amateurs as well as those who simply enjoy the atmosphere of a gallery. Southampton City Art Gallery offers the opportunity to enjoy high-quality exhibitions ranging from painting, sculpture and drawing, to photography and film, as well as permanent collection and displays that change regularly to ensure new experiences with each visit.
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Fondation Bemberg
This museum that brings together works from the Renaissance and Impressionist masterpieces can be found in the most beautiful mansion house of the city: a feast for the eyes. This foundation housed in the Hôtel d’Assézat and created by Argentinian collector Georges Bemberg brings together numerous works of western art from the Renaissance to the early XX Century. In the Renaissance-style salons, the first floor brings back to life the interiors of different eras by combining period furniture, tableaux and objet d’art. The 2nd floor is given over to modern paintings and it is important not to miss the 35 tableaux by post-impressionist Bonnard. Among the artists on display we find Guardi, Cranach the Elder, Veronese, Titian, Fantin-Latour… In order to fully appreciate this visit, lift your gaze and admire the well-preserved XVI Century ceiling on the 1st floor.
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Museum of Photography Charleroi
With 80,000 photographs in its collection (800 of which are permanently on the show), Charleroi's Museum of Photography is considered the most important of its kind in Europe. Over 13,000 titles and 4,000 files dedicated to photography are accessible to the public in the museum's library. The museum shop features the publications, photography works, gadgets and ideas for gifts and decoration. Go for a stroll in the museum's park: 85 ha featuring protected trees. Perfect to conclude your visit and reflect on the gems you have just seen!
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BPS22 Art Museum
The BPS22, the Hainaut Province's Museum of Art in Charleroi, is an exhibition space especially dedicated to art forms focusing on current social issues. The museum's programme gives prominent space to international artists that deal with greater global issues, such as Kendell Geers, Jota Castro, mounir fatmi and Wang Du, as well as cultural phenomena characteristic of our time, such as the world of media and urban subcultures like punk or graffiti, for instance. With a wealth of over 7000 works of art, dating from the end of the 19st century to the present time, and including paintings to videos and performance, as well as installations and tapestries and a large archive collection, the Hainaut Province Collection is stored at the BPS22.
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SMAK Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art
Lovers of contemporary art absolutely can’t afford to miss a visit to the S.M.A.K. during their weekend in Ghent. The Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, or S.M.A.K. for short (in Dutch), was founded in 1999 and is located opposite the MSK in a former casino building. The city of Ghent is known for its rebelliousness, and its contemporary art museum is every bit as dynamic and unconventional as Ghent itself. The collection is considered to be the most important collection of contemporary art in Flanders, with world-famous works of art from Belgium and abroad. Every four months, the museum exhibits a selection of these works in alternation with original, often daring exhibitions. Recover at leisure from the assault on your senses in the museum café. Under the inspiring leadership of the controversial curator and ‘art pope’ Jan Hoet, the former ‘contemporary art wing’ of the MSK was given its own museum, the S.M.A.K. The permanent collection at this museum for contemporary art includes top Belgian and international works of art by Cobra, pop art, minimal art, conceptual art and arte povera artists, who are now among the most famous artists in the world.
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Museum of Fine Arts Ghent
The strength of the Museum of Fine Arts (MSK) in Ghent, one of the oldest museums in Belgium, lies in the varied nature of its collection, which is nothing short of remarkable. Never before have old masters and modernists hung side-by-side so perfectly as in this iconic museum building. At the end of the 18th century, Ghent was under French rule and many of the city’s art treasures were seized. Some of them can still be seen in the Louvre in Paris today. Rebellious Ghent wasn’t having any of it and slowly began to establish a wide-ranging art collection, searching for years to find an appropriate building. The ideal location was found in the building designed by the architect Van Rysselberghe in the Citadelpark, a museum with a fantastic feeling of spaciousness and a lot of light. The collection, which ranges from Hieronymus Bosch to Rubens and Magritte, has never been shown more attractively than it is today. It covers an enormous variety of paintings, statues, drawings, etchings and tapestries, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. An auditorium, a library, a children’s workshop and a brasserie turn the MSK into a contemporary, multipurpose complex where you can spend many a pleasant hour surrounded by beauty during your weekend trip to Ghent. Why not take a virtual peek inside the MSK now?
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The Groeninge Museum offers a varied overview of the history of Belgian plastic arts. Although the Flemish Primitives are a high point, you will also marvel at top 18th and 19th-century neoclassical pieces, masterpieces from Flemish Expressionism and post-war modern art.
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National Museum of History and Art
National Museum of History and Art, archeological section. The museum has a large archaeological collection, particularly of objects discovered during the various excavations: sarcophaguses, tools, coins, jewels, grave markers, etc. the most outstanding objects being found in the excavations at Dalheim (Ricciacus) and Titelberg. The visual arts section of this museum in the capital offers the possibility of admiring a wide range of Luxembourgish painting from the 18th to the 20th century, including the post-impressionist watercolours of Sosthène Weis, paintings by Joseph Kutter, Dominique Lang, Eugène Mousset, Jean-Pierre Beckius, Nico Klopp and Auguste Trémont as well as sculptures by Auguste Trémont and Lucien Wercollier. While the museum also houses ancient sculptures and paintings (including a Charity attributed to Cranach), it also has a collection of contemporary art of undeniable originality.
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Stanley Spencer Gallery
The Stanley Spencer Gallery is situated in the heart of Cookham, the picturesque ‘village in heaven’ where Spencer was born and painted for most of his life. Established in 1962 the building was transformed ten years ago into a magnificent modern art museum, home to the world’s largest collection of Spencer paintings, drawings, personal letters, photographs, press cuttings and books. Visitor attractions: film and audio guide; exhibition catalogue; self-guided walk pamphlet; free children’s activity booklet; gift shop.
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Mayflower Museum
The story of the Mayflower Pilgrims is an enduring tale of courage in the face of adversity. Though these early settlers of the New World play a significant role in America's past, they left their mark in Plymouth too. These early religious refugees, who sailed into Plymouth by chance, were only in port for a few days. Evidence of their stay can be found on the streets around the city and Mayflower is a familiar name heard by many. The Mayflower set sail for the New World in 1620. However, this epic journey begins some years earlier in the Midlands, in a small village called Scrooby. The gallery features a model of the Mayflower Ship built on a 1:11 inch scale by apprentices at Devonport Royal Dockyard for the 350th year anniversary of the Mayflower Pilgrims sailing from Plymouth. The model features 360 fathoms of rigging, 332 handmade blocks and six handmade sails totalling 64 square feet in area.
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M-Museum Leuven
The museum displays old and new art inspired by Leuven’s versatility. The collection is mainly focused on the art production in Leuven and Brabant from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. It includes Constantin Meunier, Jef Lambeaux and Georges Minne. In addition to the permanent collection, M also presents temporary exhibitions of both old masters and contemporary artists. Discover the personalised offer for groups and families. The impressive architecture deserves special attention. Designed by Belgian top architect Stéphane Beel, the complex integrates historical buildings and contemporary architecture. Don’t miss the enclosed garden and roof terrace.
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The Gallery at Plymouth College of Art
The Gallery at Plymouth College of Art features a high-quality contemporary programme of exhibitions and events, which seeks to enrich teaching and learning at the college, whilst also welcoming a wider public audience to enjoy and debate contemporary arts. The Gallery’s exhibition programme is shaped by the curriculum, with focus given to art, design and digital media, reflecting the rich and diverse cultural community of the college and the city. The Gallery specialises in supporting artists at various stages of their careers, enabling them to produce new exhibitions, and offering exciting opportunities to enhance their professional practice in fresh and interesting ways.
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The secret Vlaeykensgang alley dates from 1591 and connects Hoogstraat, Oude Koornmarkt Pelgrimstraat with one another. Walk through the gate at Oude Koornmarkt 16 and you feel as if you have journeyed back in time. In the past this alley was where the shoemakers and the poorest people in the city lived. The shoemakers were also in charge of sounding the alarm bell of the cathedral. These days you can find antiques stores and art galleries here as well as the exclusive restaurant Sir Anthony Van Dyck. The atmosphere is very intimate which is why many people also like to come here to listen to the carillon concerts during the summertime.
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The Rubens House
In the heart of Antwerp is the home of Peter Paul Rubens, the famous 16th-17th--century Baroque painter. For four hundred years, he and his work have been a source of inspiration and a reference. And to think that he created the bulk of his work in this house. Rubens was a fan of Rafael’s, the Italian painter. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that in 1610, just as his idol, Rubens designed his own city palace. Near the Meir, which has always been a sought-after part of the city. This is the house where Rubens created his masterpieces, his children played in the garden and he received his high, noble and even royal guests. And in the meantime, a team were working hard on his paintings in the studio. At his peak, Rubens could not cope alone and led a team of professional artists.
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Gallery De Mijplaal
Gallery "De Mijplaal" is situated on the fine line different styles and arts. In this way, they prove, that because of between confrontation the borders between those styles fade away and that leaves room for very interesting dialogues to flourish. Starting from the dialogue between what the old and new was and what is. De Mijlpaal wants to continue on its search for the interfaces between visual arts, photography, mode and design. Gallery De Mijpaal is a pioneer who tries to bring young artists together with the already renowned artists. It's not the first rodeo for gallery De Mijlpaal on multiple occasions in the past, they already hosted a wide range of projects with international artists at unique locations situated in Belgium and abroad.
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Martin Tinney Gallery
Martin Tinney Gallery was established in Cardiff in 1992 and is now considered to be Wales' premier private commercial art gallery. The gallery specialises in Welsh and Wales-based artists of the highest quality, past and present. We moved to our current premises in 2002, after a major refurbishment of a 19th-century townhouse with purpose-built extension, giving three floors of beautiful exhibition space. The gallery exhibits work by the most important living Welsh artists, including Harry Holland, Sally Moore, Shani Rhys James and Kevin Sinnott, as well as the very best of the younger generation. In addition, we stock work by the leading 20th century Welsh artists, including Gwen John, Augustus John, Ceri Richards, David Jones, Sir Cedric Morris, John Piper, Graham Sutherland, Josef Herman, Peter Prendergast, Sir Kyffin Williams, Evelyn Williams and Gwilym Prichard. There are monthly solo exhibitions in the main gallery, and a constantly changing exhibition of paintings, prints and sculpture on the other two gallery floors. There is also a large stock of work in our store, which may be viewed on request.
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National Museum Cardiff
National Museum Cardiff is situated in the heart of Cardiff’s elegant civic centre and houses world-class art and natural history, including Wales’s national art, natural history and geology collections, as well as major touring and temporary exhibitions. If you want to stand and stare, there’s plenty to please your eye – from Impressionist paintings to gigantic dinosaurs. For exploring you can pick up a range of gallery trails to guide you around the Museum. With a busy programme of exhibitions and events, we have something to amaze everyone, whatever your interest – and admission is free!
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Since its formation in 1978, Ffotogallery has been at the forefront of new developments in photography and lens-based media in Wales and beyond, encouraging public understanding of and deeper engagement with photography and its value to society.
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Byard Art
Contemporary gallery Byard Art is located in the historic centre of Cambridge, opposite King’s College Chapel. Its innovative exhibition programme of solo and mixed shows by contemporary artists offers a unique selection of two and three-dimensional work, all in a friendly and welcoming environment. All of Byard Art artwork is original, and varies in medium, scale and price.
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Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Designed by Canadian American architect Frank Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao building represents a magnificent example of the most groundbreaking 20th-century architecture. With 24,000 m2, of which 9.000 are dedicated to exhibition space, the Museum represents an architectural landmark of audacious configuration and innovating design, providing a seductive backdrop for the art exhibited in it. Altogether, Gehry’s design creates a spectacular sculpture-like structure, perfectly integrated within Bilbao’s urban pattern and its surrounding area.
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Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao
The origin of the current museum is in the first Fine Arts Museum, founded in 1908 and opened in 1914 and the Modern Art Museum opened in 1924. Both institutions and their collections were united in 1945, the year that the old building was constructed. The collection of the Fine Arts Museum, which opened in 1914, brings together over seven thousand works of art, including paintings, sculptures, works on paper and applied arts, with an outstanding heritage spanning from the twelfth century to the present. It contains important examples of ancient, modern and contemporary painting and has a special interest in the Spanish school of art and in Basque artists, by whom it has a large collection of works.
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Penlee House Gallery & Museum
Built in 1865 as a gracious Victorian home, Penlee House has been converted to create a first-class gallery and museum set within an attractive park. It specialises in showing the area’s unique, rich cultural heritage incorporating the historic collections of Penzance Town Council, Penwith District Council and Newlyn Art Gallery. Penlee House has a permanent collection of paintings which is actively being developed through purchases, gifts, bequests and long-term loans. Some of the best-known works include The Rain it Raineth Every Day by Norman Garstin, School is Out by Elizabeth Forbes, Among the Missing by Walter Langley and On Paul Hill by Stanhope Forbes. Please note that although each exhibition includes selected works from our collection, there is no permanent display and the galleries are often closed between exhibitions: please check what is on the show before making a special journey. Founded in 1839, the museum collections cover 6000 years of history in west Cornwall, from Penwith’s awe-inspiring archaeological sites to the area’s more recent social history, plus computer access to photographs of west Cornwall from the 1860s to the 1960s.
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Newlyn Art Gallery
Newlyn Art Gallery exists because of a long history of contemporary art-making in the far west of Cornwall and has celebrated contemporary art and supported the artists that produce it for more than 120 years. Newlyn Art Gallery continues to present contemporary work in all media by regional, national and international artists, with a changing programme of exhibitions and events.
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Dylan Thomas Centre
The Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea is the focal point for exhibitions, studies and events on Dylan Thomas. The Centre is home to a permanent exhibition, ‘Love the Words’, which opened on 27 October 2014, Dylan’s 100th birthday. The interactive displays tell the story of the work, life and cultural context of one of the twentieth century’s most significant writers, and the exhibition includes a learning space, activities for children, and a temporary exhibition area. The Dylan Thomas Centre also runs a learning, outreach, and events programme. Guided tours of the exhibition at the Dylan Thomas Centre can be arranged for groups of all ages.
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Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
A broad spectrum of visual arts from the original bequest of Richard Glynn Vivian (1835-1910) which includes work by Old Masters as well as an international collection of porcelain and Swansea china. The 20th Century is also well represented with modern painting and sculpture by Hepworth, Nicholson, Nash alongside Welsh artists such as Ceri Richards, Gwen John and Augustus John. These are housed in the handsome classic Italian-style gallery building, and complement the exhibitions in the modern wing, which brings the work of today's artists alive with its sharp, contemporary overview of the arts.
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Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is the perfect place to delve into Coventry’s history and immerse yourself in world-class art. Investigate the natural world, modern art, and the Old Masters. Wander through dazzling interactive displays and enjoy the latest exhibitions while admiring the building’s unique architecture. As well as the art gallery’s ever-changing displays, often created in partnership with national museums, the Herbert offers a wide range of talks, events and workshops for both adults and children. Permanent galleries range from the Visual Arts, to Social and Industrial History, Archaeology and Natural History, there really is something for every visitor.
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Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery
Located in one of the city's most historic buildings, Peterborough Museum has a wealth of stories to fascinate and enthral all the family. There are some amazing objects and interactive displays for all ages. The collections comprise over 200,000 items of great national and international importance. " Explore the historic building and its story: from private house to hospital and museum. Go inside the original Victorian Operating Theatre to learn about the grisly history of surgery. " Visit an underwater world! See the internationally important collection of fossils of Jurassic sea-monsters and find out more about the creatures that swam in our prehistoric seas over 150 million years ago. " Discover the story of the world's first prisoner of war camp, built 200 years ago during the Napoleonic Wars. See inside one of the cells and view the incredibly intricate items made by the French prisoners. " Learn about the story of Peterborough, from prehistory to the present. Come face-to-face with Britain's oldest murder victim, see Roman and Saxon treasures, look inside a Victorian railway cottage and clock in to find out what Peterborough companies have made over the last century.