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ArtandCulture, Wilhelmshaven

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Coastal Museum
There are regular events in the Coastal Museum, such as the adult cultural café or the monthly children's event Lilli * Billi.
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The BIK Gallery 149
The Bremerhaven Initiative for Culture (BIK) presents North German artists in the rooms of the Gallery 149. Annually the association presents seven to eight exhibitions with a wide range of works of art in the areas of photography, painting, graphics and sculpture.
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The Kreiskantorat Bremerhaven is one of the great cultural institutions of our city with a significant national broadcast. The three representative groups of the church district, which "Evangelical Stadtkantorei Bremerhaven", the "Bremerhaven Chamber Choir" and "Bremerhaven Chamber Orchestra", offer - often supported by renowned guest orchestra and vocal soloists from all over Germany - in the Christ Church concerts on a high professional level Chamber performances and thematically linked series of concerts.
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Kunsthalle Emden
This nationwide well-known museum with the attached painting school is thanks to the founders Henri and Eske Nannen. The founder of STERN, Henri Nannen, opened a house for his collection in 1986 in his hometown of Emden, predominantly art of the Classical Modern Age.
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Bremen Town Hall
Bremen´s 'drawing room' is the Marktplatz, and its greatest attraction is the Town Hall. Guided tours of the historic building provide an insight into its fascinating 600-year history. The tour includes the impressive Upper Town Hall and a look into the splendid Golden Chamber. Since 2004, the Town Hall and the Roland have been inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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Kunsthalle Bremen - Art museum
Paintings, sculptures, prints and media art from the past 600 years – Bremen's Kunsthalle is home to many styles of art.The Kunsthalle art gallery re-opened in summer 2011 after two years of renovation and the addition of two new wings.
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Der Aa church
It may be hard to imagine because the Vismarkt is currently one of the busiest locations in Groningen, but it is believed that during the Middle Ages the Drentse Aa was an inland harbour here, with a wooden church. In 1226, the church received its official name: Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ter A, currently Der Aa church. Today it is used as a location for receptions, concerts, symposia and exhibitions.
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Stadtpark City Park
With around 1.5 million square metres, Stadtpark (lit. city park) in Winterhude is the third largest park in Hamburg. For the centennial anniversary in 2014, around 1.6 million euros were invested in flower beds, paths, playgrounds and the renovation of the Planetarium. Especially in summer, life is easy around the luscious green meadows. Hundreds of locals and visitors alike come to Winterhude, where the park serves them as a popular meeting point and recreational site. However, the park is not only the right place for meeting people and sunbathing. In summer, music enthusiasts will also get their money’s worth. Thousands head to the open-air stage to experience performances in a unique setting. Art lovers will find more than 20 different sculptures and installations.
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Herrenhausen Gardens
The Great Garden is one of the most important baroque gardens in Europe, captivating tourists from all over the world. The main attraction here is the recently rebuilt Herrenhausen Palace, home to the new Herrenhausen Palace Museum. The Garden itself presents a dazzling array of romantic fountains, exotic plants and striking sculptures. Events such as the international fireworks competition and the Small Festival in the Great Garden regularly attract large numbers of visitors. The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen are Hannover's most famous attraction, a reflection of aristocratic savoir-vivre for more than 300 years. The centrepiece is the 17th-century Great Garden, one of the best-preserved baroque gardens in Europe. Be sure to visit Herrenhausen Palace there. Rebuilt to its original splendour and boasting cutting-edge, multimedia facilities, the palace now hosts more than 160 events every year as a scientific venue and innovation hotspot for the whole of Lower Saxony – very much in the tradition of a famous former resident: the universal scholar Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The Great Garden is a place to lose oneself in, to marvel at the magnificent Great Fountain, which is 82m high (the largest of its type in Europe) and the Grand Cascade, to be enchanted by artist Niki de Saint Phalle's magically decorated grotto. And during the annual international firework competition, to watch transfixed as world-class pyrotechnics transform the sky above into a dazzling sea of trailing sparks.
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Residence Museum
Celle is one of the most important residence cities in the state of Lower Saxony. For almost three centuries it was the permanent residence of the dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg and therefore the seat of government in the most significant Guelphs principality.
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The Ducal Palace
It is the oldest building in Celle and it is regarded as one of the most splendid Guelphic palaces in Northern Germany.
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The Celle Palace Chapel
One of the most important examples of Renaissance art in northern Germany. The chapel was founded in the 15th century, and soon after the Reformation – some time between 1565 and 1576 – it was entirely refurbished by Duke William the Younger.
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The Maritime Museum
Flensburg is a historic seaport and trading post. The Flensburg maritime museum explains the maritime history of the city with all of its stories about the port and merchant courtyards, the ships and shipowners, and the machinists and captains as well as their typical day on board. These are stories from far-off lands as well as from the coast of the homeland. Stories from the Danish West Indies about sugar, rum and slavery. Stories from the firth about butter transporters and women who spoke the Petuh dialect. Stories from the shipyard about engineers, riveters and welders. The museum offers a rich experience for all of the senses. It features interactive, hands-on stations that require you to participate, watch, listen and marvel, making a visit to the museum a journey of discovery for sailors of all ages. Special exhibits, promotional days, holiday programmes, tours of the museum and the city, knot-tying courses, rum tastings, concerts, readings and presentations create a rich variety. Feel free to browse the museum gift shop and pass time in the Café.
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Museum August Kestner
The Museum August Kestner is named after August Kestner (1777-1853), who collected a considerable number of Egyptian and Greco-Roman cabaret as well as other works of art during his time as Hanoverian ambassador in Rome. The Museum August Kestner as the oldest municipal museum in the state capital of Hanover is enclosed by a listed glass-concrete façade (1961). Inside are still parts of the staircase and the side wings and almost the entire entrance facade of the original first museum building. As the only building in Hanover and far away, the Museum August Kestner shows 6000 years of applied art in four collection areas: Ancient and Egyptian cultures, applied art from the Middle Ages to modern design and one of the largest collections of coins and medals in northern Germany. Several special exhibitions per year also inform about special topics and place objects of the collection areas in a special context.
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Hanover New Town Hall
Many visitors are quite astonished to hear that the magnificent building they are standing in front of is, actually, the "new" town hall. Its size and grand architectural style make it look more "historical", like a relict from more majestic times, when Hannover used to be a kingdom. The town hall itself was, however, ceremonially opened on 20 June 1913, after twelve years building time. "And it is all paid in cash, your Majesty", as the then Mayor of Hannover, Heinrich Tramm , proudly announced to the emperor Wilhelm II, present at the opening ceremony. The proud figure of ten million Mark was the amount the municipality was willing to pay for its new splendid building, erected upon 6026 beech-tree piles. It was designed by the architects Eggert and Halmhuber. The top of the dome of the New Town Hall reaches 97,73 m (320 ft.). The diagonal lift in the town hall's dome is unique in the world. At a 17-degree angle it covers the 43 metres up to the gallery at the top of the dome. From this vantage point one can enjoy a marvellous view of the whole city, even as far as the Harz Mountains when visibility is good.
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Sprengel Museum
The Sprengel Museum Hannover, which focuses on German Expressionism and French Modernist painting, is one of the most important museums of 20th and 21st-century art. It was founded after the collection of Dr. Bernhard und Margrit Sprengel was donated to the City of Hanover in 1969. The new building was opened in 1979. Works by Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Emil Nolde, Pablo Picasso and Kurt Schwitters, as well as by groups of artists such as Die Brücke and the Blauer Reiter set the scene. Art after 1945 is represented in an impressive fashion by works by artists ranging from Gerhard Richter to Bruce Nauman. A special attraction are the rooms designed by artists, including the reconstruction of Kurt Schwitters’ legendary ‘Merzbau’, El Lissitzky’s ‘Abstract Cabinet’ and James Turrell’s light spaces. Particular emphasis in the collection is placed on photography. The Sprengel Museum Hannover unites the collections of modern art in what was formerly known as the Städtische Galerie and the Landesgalerie.
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Alter Markt (Old Market Square)
In the heart of Bielefeld’s old town lies the Old Market Square, surrounded by imposing historic facades and ornate gables. The impressive Patrician houses are well worth seeing, a main attraction being the Crüwell House with its late Gothic stepped gable dating from 1530.
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Kunsthalle Bielefeld
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, designed by New York architect Philip Johnson and opened in 1968 as a museum and exhibition centre for international 20th century art, is a crowd-puller and one of the city’s landmarks. The famous cube-shaped modern building of red sandstone is also part of the architectural route ”Museum & Architektur”.
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St. Mary's Church
Visit the third-largest church in Germany in the City of the 7 Spires and discover what the devil, a mouse and St. Mary's church have in common in Lübeck's Old Town. St. Mary's is the church of the Council of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck. The brick basilica serves as a model for the Gothic brick style of churches in the Baltic region. For the first time, the Gothic cathedral style of France was adapted to the local brick. Numerous works of arts are to be found in St. Mary's interior: The Cross of Triumph by Gerhard Marcks in the high choir above the Swarte Altar from 1495 is as much at home here as the largest mechanical organ in the world. The well-known church musician and composer Dietrich Buxtehude was St. Mary's organist and workmaster from 1667 to 1707. The commemorative chapel in the south tower with its church bells possesses a unique expressive power. The bells plunged to the stone floor during the 1942 air raids. The Gothic brick basilica has a medieval painting, the largest peel of bells in Schleswig-Holstein and a carillon with 36 bells from St. Catherine's Church in Danzig.
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Brother Church
The Broederenkerk has a long and rich history from around 1300, when a monastery was established here, where a church was built from around 1335. The Broederen Church, also known as the St. Lebuïnus Church, is a church in Deventer, built between 1335 and 1338 by order of Eleonora of England, then Duchess of Gelre. Before the church was built, a monastery was founded at that place around 1300 by the Franciscan Friars Minor. The name of the church is derived from these brothers. Anyone who takes a look at the Broederenkerk will notice how special this building is in the center of Deventer, both outside and inside.,4551/category_id,39/broederenkerk
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Music dome Nering-Boegel
In the middle of the oldest oldest city park in the Netherlands, "Het Worpplantsoen", from 1852 until about 1955 a beautiful music dome stood. When it was demolished, the park also lost its soul. A park restoration followed in 2004 and to give the park its deserved icing on the cake, a group of motivated city dwellers replaced an almost faithful copy of the octogonal music dome.,10073/category_id,39/muziekkoepel-neringbgel
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The Esbjerg Gospel
The Esbjerg Gospel is a 140 sqm wall-painting that interprets the Bible in images and text, using a modern pictorial idiom.
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Esbjerg Art Museum
Esbjerg Art Museum houses a renowned collection of art from the 20th century onwards and also organizes temporary exhibitions of international contemporary art.
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The Football Museum
The Football Museum is embedded in Dortmund's art and culture mile, which includes the Dortmunder U, the Harenberg City Center, the RWE Tower, the Museum of Art and Cultural History and the City and Regional Library.
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Dortmund U
This former high-rise plant built by the Union Brewery is now a centre for art and creativity. One of the city’s most popular landmarks, it will be transformed by 20th and 21st century art, research, education and media art into a unique innovation centre as of May 2010.
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Westfalenhalle Dortmund
Chris de Burgh is not the only one who considers Westfalenhalle,the best place in the world to make music, The unparalleled atmosphere of this listed historical domed building with a U on the roof is legendary. Around 250 events take place on its stage each year.
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Sauerland Museum
Since September 16, 2018, the Sauerland Museum has reopened after years of construction. In its historic building from 1803 it is completely renovated and barrier-free, because the individual levels can be reached by elevator. Before the new building with the August Macke special exhibition opens in September 2019, the focus will first be on the permanent exhibition on the history of the Duchy of Westphalia. Prepared in a contemporary manner and shown in attractive themed rooms, museum visitors can comfortably move through the exhibition with an audio guide.
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Museum of Art and Cultural History of the Olpe district
The South Sauerland Museum sees itself as an extra-curricular place of learning and seeks cooperation with schools, adult education centers, universities and other educational institutions.
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The Museum at Koldinghus
The construction of Koldinghus started in 1268, when the Danish king wanted a castle that could guard the border between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Duchy of Schleswig.
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The only museum in Denmark where you can see visual art, crafts, design and furniture design. The exhibitions always offer new and exciting experiences, featuring both international and Danish artists and designers
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The Hermitage
The biggest branch of the world-famous Hermitage in Saint Petersburg can be found in Amsterdam. Discover top works from the Russian collection in changing exhibitions. The museum was established in the Amstelhof, a monumental building on the Amstel river, in 2009. The art collection of the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg had become so extensive that the museum decided to put a range of works on display in branches. The biggest of these can be found in Amsterdam. The Russian art was initially on display in a small building but the Hermitage in the Amstelhof opened its doors in 2009. Just a year later, the museum welcomed its one millionth visitor. The Hermitage is one of the top attractions in Amsterdam.
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The Jordaan is possibly the most famous neighbourhood in the Netherlands. Akin to the reputation enjoyed by London’s Cockneys, this once working-class bastion was renowned for tight community bonds, radical politics and a love for drink and over-the-top sing-a-longs. Gentrification of decades past has attracted more galleries, restaurants, specialty shops and upwardly-mobile residents to its scenic streets but there’s undeniably still a distinct atmosphere to be enjoyed here. The Jordaan begins at Brouwersgracht, just west of the Amsterdam Central Station and arches around the western side of Canal Ring between Prinsengracht and Lijnbaansgracht before ending at Leidsegracht. The area north of Rozengracht is a more ‘touristy’ and commercial section, although the quieter area to the south is no less scenic.
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The Rijksmuseum is one of Amsterdam’s grandest and most popular museums. Its vast collection showcases iconic art and a wide variety of artefacts that reflect more than 800 years of Dutch and global history, including jaw dropping paintings by the likes of Rembrandt, Van Gogh and countless more Dutch greats. With 80 galleries and 8000 objects on display, there’s never enough time to view the complete collection of treasures! Before you’re even inside the museum, you can enjoy the artistic whimsy of the sculpture-filled garden designed by Pierre Cuypers in 1901. Among the intricate topiaries, water features and colourful flowerbeds, an enormous wingnut tree looks over the play areas, installations and temporary exhibitions in the summer. And also its is only in Amsterdam would a national museum allow cyclists to speed right through it! The Rijksmuseum’s passageway connects the two halves of the atrium, with glass panels giving passers by a glimpse into the museum’s grand interior. The passage’s excellent acoustics make it popular among street musicians.
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Van Gogh Museum
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is one of the most popular museums in the world, attracting visitors from every corner of the globe. Naturally, this is in large part due to it housing the largest collection of works by Vincent van Gogh – more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings and 700 of his letters. Having originally opened on Museumplein in 1973, the Van Gogh Museum has been expanded and modernised over the years, ensuring it's a truly cutting-edge exhibition and visitor space. For both locals and far-travelling visitors, the Van Gogh Museum is a unique and inspirational experience. Alongside the legacy of Vincent van Gogh's instantly recognisable impressionist works, such as his landscapes, self-portraits and still lifes – especially ‘Sunflowers’ – the museum provides opportunities to track the artist's development and compare his paintings to works by other artists from the 19th century – those who inspired him and those who drew inspiration from him.