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Tossa de Mar (Spain)

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Sant Felix Bell Tower
This Baroque bell tower has an eight-sided floor plan and consists of four different sections, the first three made of stone and the upper one made of fired brick. There are three bells, two of which are liturgical and the third one tells the time; the decoration, executed by the artist, Joan Vila Cinca is particularly beautiful. At the very top of the bell tower, there is an angel that acts as a weathercock and two-time bells. Inside, you can visit a small exhibition featuring the building, the bells, and the last clock that made them work, built in 1903. And from the top of the bell tower, visitors can have a splendid view of the city and its surroundings.
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Central Market
Inaugurated in 1930, this is a noucentist building, designed by the architect Josep Renom. It was recently restored and modernised but the original typical characteristics have been preserved: the spectacular metallic structure that can be seen from the inside the building, and on the outside, the stained glass windows above the entrances and the fruit filled goblets at the top of the stairs are all Mediterranean style decorative elements that run all through Renom's work.
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Parc Central de Nou Barris
The park covers a surface area of 17 hectares and gives Nou Barris a pleasant, modern appearance in keeping with the residential area where it is located. It blends in perfectly with the site and its undulating landform has a lot of surprises in store.
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Sagrada Familia
The Sagrada Familia is definitely the most famous building in Barcelona. Considered one of Gaudi’s masterpieces, it’s a key attraction in Barcelona and one of the most striking monuments ever built in the world. In fact, there is absolutely no other building in the world featuring such a genius mixture between Gothic and Art Nouveau styles. Antoni Gaudí took over the project in 1883, a year after construction had begun, and completely reshaped the project to fit his unique style. Unfortunately, Gaudí died in 1926 when only a quarter of the project had been constructed. Sadly, most of the blueprints left were burned in a fire, therefore, all that’s been built ever since has been a wide interpretation of Gaudi’s architecture. Stopping over the Sagrada Familia should be top priority if you’re in Barcelona for the first time. Visiting the basilica it’s an enjoyable experience and a great way to be introduced into Gaudí’s architecture. Besides, it offers the best possible views of the surrounding Eixample District, Barcelona’s own Big Apple.
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4 October 2024

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El Chigre 1769

2 July 2023

Vermouth бар. Если вдруг, совершенно случайно, вы оказались в центре Барселоны, и вам неожиданно захотелось выпить красного или белого вермута - настоятельно рекомендую сюда зайти. Не разочаруетесь
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Cathedral of Barcelona

2 July 2023

Собор недалеко от квартиры, где мы жили в Барселоне. Официально он называется длинно - Собор Святого Креста и Святой Евлалии На крышу собора можно подняться, и оттуда открывается неплохой вид на город
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Рынок de la Boqueria

2 July 2023

Хамон. Много хамона. Еще больше хамона! 🤣
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Palau de la Musica Catalana
El Palau de la Musica Catalana is the most famous concert halls in Barcelona. Squeezed between the narrow streets of La Ribera neighborhood, is one of the most fantastic buildings of the Modernista movement.
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Sant Sebastia Beach
Together with Barceloneta beach, these are the city's oldest and most traditional beaches. They were the first to have amenities for bathing, an activity that was the exclusive domain of the city's well-to-do classes at the time. The recent building of a hotel has created a small, peaceful cove where you'll find a number of restaurants.
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Gothic Quarter
The Gothic Quarter is one of the most famous landmarks in Barcelona. Located in the heart of the old city, this neighborhood features a fusion of buildings dating from Roman times to the 20th century. The main attribute of the Gothic Quarter is the antique aspect of its buildings, narrow streets and the near absence of traffic. In fact, many areas are for pedestrians only and built like a labyrinth of winding streets and hidden squares.
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Park Guell
Park Guell is one of the most fantastic designs ever built by Gaudi. A landmark on its own, it features amazing views of Barcelona and plenty of modernist works. Needless to say, as soon you pass the entrance, you’ll notice right away that this isn’t an ordinary park. Curiously, Park Güell wasn’t originally intended to be a park, but rather a project for luxurious homes. In 1900, the site was just a rocky hill with nothing but vegetation around, in the vicinity of some isolated upper class country houses. The result was one of the most fascinating works by Gaudí. The intention of the project was to take advantage of the breathtaking views of Barcelona and the clean fresh air, away from the factories, in order to build a top of the line housing complex. In Park Guell, there are plenty of paths and vegetation to enjoy, but the architectural structures are the glue that holds the whole place together.
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Casa Amatller
This amazing building, the Casa Amatller by Puig i Cadafalch, a contemporary of Gaudí, which combines the neo-Gothic style with a ridged façade inspired by houses in the Netherlands, is part of the block known as the "mansana de la discòrdia" of Barcelona.
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Casa Batllo
Casa Batllo is one of Barcelona’s biggest landmarks. If buildings could be celebrities, there would be a perpetual red carpet in front of it. The remarkable facade it’s the most prominent feature and it has been subject to many interpretations. Originally, Gaudí didn’t build Casa Batlló. He was hired to redesign the late 1800’s building in 1904, and the result was one of his most emblematic works in Barcelona along the Sagrada Familia. The building was transformed into one that hardly resembles the original. Animal and nature forms inspired the facade of Casa Batlló. For example, the skull shape of the balconies. As beautiful as is the outside, you must schedule a visit to the interior to witness the most original and jaw-dropping architecture. To begin with, a good part of the outside is covered with bits and pieces of broken and multicolored ceramic tiles, a technique called Trencadís, which was used massively by Gaudi in most of his works, visible for example in the Park Güell benches. An interesting effect is created when direct sunlight hits the building, as the tiles shift through different shades of colors along with the stained glass windows.
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La Boqueria Market
The most visited market in Barcelona is without a doubt La Boqueria, the first market to open in the city. If you’re looking to experiment the daily life of locals, nothing comes as close as visiting the Barcelona city markets. They’re bright, colorful, busy and noisy places, and in most of them you can find practically any product you can imagine. Located next to La Rambla in the Gothic Quarter District, it has become one of the city’s milestones, an essential piece into Barcelona’s biggest attractions.La Boqueria is not just a regular market, but a social and gastronomical experience. Beside the market stalls, there is a lot more going on, and you can find every possible option to eat and drink. As you start walking to the entrance, get ready to experiment a feast for the senses. When planning your visit, better do it before lunchtime, when the market is in fully alive.
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Tibidabo The Magic Mountain
It isnt surprising that the Barcelona locals nicknamed Tibidabo "the magic mountain". Standing 515 metres high, it's the tallest point on the Collserola Ridge and its distinctive outline features on many postcards of the city. Don't forget your camera if you decide to go to the top and explore; you'll be able to take shots of Barcelona at your feet and enjoy a bird's-eye view of its landmark buildings.[57,50,55,63,45,24,23,35,26,43,46,16,52,17,25,27,5,34]
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The Sant Jordi
One of the legends attributed to Sant Jordi, which rapidly became the most famous, tells of a dragon who scared the inhabitants of a city. To calm it down, a lamb and a young girl chosen at random had to be offered every day.
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Catalan Barks
Stroll along the water in an electric boat, drive yourself on the Bass, in the heart of Perpignan! Up to 4 people per boat.
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The Institut du Grenat
The Institut du Grenat (1901 law) is currently dedicating itself to the preservation of the traditional making as a cultural legacy so that this jewel becomes again a symbol of modernity, while conveying the values of a noble tradition.
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Museu de Reus Salvador Vilaseca
The museum presents exhibits dating from prehistoric times through to the modern age.
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The Plaza de Prim square
The Plaza de Prim square, the site of the lovely Fortuny theatre, before going on down Calle de Monterols to the Plaza del Mercadal square. This is the site of the Casa Navàs building, a Modernist jewel designed by Doménech i Montaner which still contains period furniture, coffering and lamps.
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Musee Des Beaux Arts
The paintings and ceramics make this museum a splendid panoramic survey of European art from the 17th century to the present day. Educational tours throughout the school year.
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The Midi Canal
The work of Pierre-Paul Riquet carried out in the 17th century to link the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, the Midi Canal has been listed as a UNESCO world heritage since 1996.
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Eglise Saint Vincent Church
A fine example of Languedoc Gothic with a wide nave (20.25 m) and an imposing vault (23,5m). A square-based, 54 m high octagonal tower houses a 47 bell carillon. Public access is free (232 steps), and offers a breathtaking view of the entire town of Carcassonne.
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Over the centuries, the river Orb and the Mediterranean have shaped the history of Sérignan. As a direct result, the town now covers four distinct areas with different activities that can be all reached by bike.
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Canal du Midi
Ranking World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO December 7, 1996 has given a soul to one of the oldest still operating channels, now dedicated to tourism. Built during the reign of Louis XIV, from 1667 to 1681, called the Royal Canal to the French Revolution, a distance of 240 km. Large 20 to 24 m, 2 m deep on average, there are 69 locks and 350 works spanning his course and facilitate its airworthiness.
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Probably built on the site of an ancient Roman villa, constant attacks led to the fortification of the village in a circular form.
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La Llotja de Lleida
La Llotja is a monolithic construction, subdivided into three functional levels allowing it to serve different purposes. The central level is the interconnecting core, linking up the various programmes by means of the central stairway/ramp, which also provides illumination.
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Templar Castle of Gardeny
With the conquest of the city of Lleida in 1149, the Templars received various properties in compensation for their assistance during the siege, including Gardeny Hill. The earliest reference to the Gardeny Command dates from 1156, the first commander being listed as Brother Pere de Cartellà, a figure who had been actively involved in the city siege.
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Lleida Museum
The new home of the Lleida Diocesan and District Museum opened its doors to the public in November 2007, becoming the city's flagship museum. Visitors to its more than 7000 square metres of exhibition space are plunged into the history of Lleida. A story which begins with prehistory and continues up to the modern era.
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Delta del Ebro

24 February 2024

Delta del Ebro is situated in Catalonia, northeastern Spain, where the Ebro River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. It spans across the provinces of Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre, forming a vast natural park and wetland area known for its biodiversity and stunning landscapes. It's a birdwatcher's paradise, with an incredible array of species to spot. We spent hours in awe, observing flamingos, herons, and countless other birds in their natural habitat. It was an absolutely breathtaking experience, a reminder of the beauty and diversity of our planet.
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Place de la Comedie
Place de la Comédie is Montpellier's central square. Also known as l'OEuf (the Egg) because of its original oval shape, it is one of the largest pedestrian areas in Europe.
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Sainte Anne square
When one gets to place Sainte-Anne (Sainte Anne square), one is surprised by the majestic Sainte-Anne Church (whose bell tower can be seen from anywhere in the city).
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The Fabre museum
The Fabre museum itself is an astounding work of art, an innovative combination of classic and contemporary architecture. Today, the museum offers over 800 works, 900 engravings and 3,500 drawings in its 9,200 m² exhibit area.
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Cite de l'espace
Walking on the moon, stepping aboard the Mir Space Station, gazing at the Ariane 5 rocket, dreaming with your head in the stars… You can do all of this at the Cité de l’Espace, a short hop from the centre of Toulouse. The Cité offers 2,500m² of interactive exhibitions to help you become an expert on the Earth and the Universe as you learn everything about space flight and even find out how to predict the weather. You can train like a genuine astronaut thanks to the moonwalk simulator and explore the life of astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Try on a space suit, jump into a lunar rover… Its 5 hectares of gardens, which are home to life-sized replicas of spacecraft and a giant telescope, its IMAX® cinema with giant screen, its interactive planetarium and countless activities for young and old alike make this journey into outer space even more fun.