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The reformed church

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The reformed church (Luther) – built in 1912, the church holds an altar painted by Iványi Grünwald Béla, one of the most important representatives of the Baia Mare Painting School. Address: Str. Lucaciu Vasile, nr. 18.

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Stephen's Tower
The Stefan Tower is the bell tower of the former church dedicated to "Saint King Stephen of Baia Mare. The tower is located between Crișan and 1 Mai streets, in the immediate vicinity of Liberty Square - Central Square (Circulus fori) - of the old city. It was built The first documentary attestation of the "Sfântul Ștefan" church dates from 1347, but the construction was officially inaugurated only in 1387. The tower, built of solid stone, was built at the initiative of Prince Ioan de Hunedoara, to mark the victory. from Ialomita (1442) against the Ottomans. The construction of the tower begins after 1446 but is completed only in 1468, under the reign of Matthias Corvinus. In 1619, the upper part was rebuilt, having the shape of a pyramid with a square base, with four turrets and is endowed with bells. Nine years later, a moon clock is set. Repeatedly affected by lightning and fire, the two buildings underwent several major repairs, but in 1763 only the tower was rebuilt. On this occasion, the porch at the top is built.
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Museum of Mineralogy
The museum hosts an exhibition held on 900 square meters, which exhibits over 1,000 samples of minerals, rocks and fossils. There are other 15,000 pieces in the institution's warehouses. The Museum of Mineralogy in Baia Mare is the largest regional museum in Europe, many of the exhibits being considered unique in the world and heritage values. The unofficial, cultural name par excellence and unanimously used is the Museum of Mine Flowers. except for some component crystals, which totally make the piece well individualized compared to the others ”(Victor Gorduza - director of the institution). On the ground floor, the basic exhibition presents the geological composition of North-West Romania, the systematics of hydrothermal minerals and non-ferrous metal deposits on the southern frame of the Oaș-Gutâi mountains, as well as in Țibleș and the Borșa-Vişeu area. Upstairs, the exhibition space includes the most impressive pieces, full of poetry and colour, wrapped in ambient music that creates an image-melodic syncretism conducive to high-profile cultural events - here is the annual awards ceremony " Books of the Year ”, organized by the county branch of the Romanian Writers' Union.
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Assumption of Mary Cathedral
The Assumption Cathedral in Baia Mare is a place of worship built by the Greek Catholic faithful in Baia Mare between 1905-1911. The building is declared a historical monument (code LMI MM-II-mB-04471), next to the episcopal palace of the Greek Catholic Episcopate of Maramureș and the former confessional school (currently Șc. Gen. no. 2), all located on Vasile Lucaciu Street from the municipality of Baia Mare.
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Holy Trinity Cathedral
The Holy Trinity - the roman-catholic cathedral was built in 1766 by Jesuits on the place of former St. Martin church. The cathedral holds an organ with three registers, built between 1940-1944. The cathedral, which is the perspective head of the Unirii Boulevard in Baia Mare, is an impressive building, representative for the construction of churches in Transylvania, built in the tradition of Orthodox churches, with dimensions of 85 m long, 50 m wide and 85 m high. The cathedral capacity is about 3000 people. From the first level, being plated with brick from Oradea, paved on the floor with porcelain stoneware from Spain and iconostasis made of brick with icons in Murano mosaic. Spacious altar, sf. brick table with a marble plate 2 / 1,50m, gr. 5cm., Oak furniture, wrought iron chandeliers. Twelve columns supporting the central dome and main nave. In the back of the church there is a large Byzantine Hall, where there are exhibitions of icons, two offices and four warehouses. Considering the large influx of believers who frequent this cathedral, the access and exit is made on two doors and two monumental stairs, and at the exit there are two places to light candles.
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Iancu de Hunedoara House
Iancu de Hunedoara House was built in 1446, it is part of the old medieval castle built by Iancu for his wife Elisabeta.
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Ethnographic Park Romulus Vuia
The National Ethnographic Vuia, established in 1929, bears the name of its founder and first museum manager, Professor Romulus Vuia. The exhibited pieces are in fact old traditional buildings, grouped according to their regional establishments, folk architecture monuments, folk installations, craftsman workshops, wells, gateways, big wooden crosses and indoor textiles. Interesting facts: •The Ethnographic Museum is the oldest from Romania; •The oldest exhibit pieces date back from 1678; •The church from Cizer-Salaj, at the construction of which contributed Nicola Ursu (Horea), just before the 1784 uprising, is one of the most beautiful wooden churches in Transylvania; weddings are still being officiated in this architectural monument; •It hosts annual fairs and traditional cultural manifestations.
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Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral
The Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral (Avram Iancu Square) – Romanian Orthodox Mitropoly of Cluj, Alba, Crisana, Maramures. Archiepiscopate of Vad, Feleac and Cluj (18 Avram Iancu Square). It was built between 1923-1933, according to the plans of the architects Constantin Pompoiu and George Cristinel, representing the Romanian stylistic current. It is one of the most important religious buildings from Cluj Napoca municipality. The church is dedicated to the Assumption – the date in which the Romanian Army entered Transylvania (15th of August 1916). In 1973, when the Diocesan See of Cluj was made Archiepiscopate, the church became an archepiscopal cathedral. Since 1996, the cathedral had been in a great process of outside restoration, a process which came to an end in 1999. Inside, a new Byzantine painting was made, in the famous mosaic of Murano. Since 2006, the building has served as the cathedral of the Archiepiscopate of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, which is also metropolitan of Cluj, Alba, Crisana and Maramures.
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Central Park Simion Barnutiu
Creating Central Park had been one of the first initiatives of urban remodelling of the city at the end of the 19th century. Its purpose had been the creation of a leisure spot in the close proximity of the city center. The initial name of the area field was ants’ grove situated on the bank of the river Somes. At the beginning of the 19th century, this spot was visited by all citizens of Cluj, the furrier János Meleg provided the public with refreshments. In 1827, the Women’s Charity Organization will rent the grove with the intention to create a “place suitable for longer strolls” and a beer garden based on a contract of 12 months. This contract would also determine the municipality to initiate and sponsor some of the works necessary to drain and consolidate the land that had been a swampy area frequently flooded by the river. In the year 1833, together with the return of the Gubernium a decision will be made on how to spend the gathered money on the development of the park. On this occasion they will establish and name the members of the Promenade comity, a council made up of important members of the urban community; they will also employ the gardener József Schütz to plant, clean and maintain the park. The park itself had been originally founded on the 22nd April 1838 and after two years the engineer Sámuel Hermann was entrusted with the design of the park.
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Emil Racovita Speleology Museum
The “Emil Racoviţă” Speleology Museum was established in 1998, and it is the only museum in Romania dedicated to the scientist Emil Racoviţă and to the cave science. Emil Racoviţă is the founder of biospeleology and of the first Speleology institute in the world, which was opened in Cluj-Napoca in 1920. The results of the biospeleology program initiated by E. Racoviţă were exceptional: 1,200 explored caves throughout Europe and Africa, a collection of 50,000 copies of cave fauna, 66 scientific studies adding up to approximately 6,000 pages. Racoviţă reached the peak of his scientific career when he elaborated an original theory regarding evolution. The museum also includes The Emil Racoviţă Collection with numerous varied exhibition pieces like a notebook from the period when Racoviţă was a student at the Paris-Sorbonne University (1886-1891), the Zeiss microscope and the Linhof photo device which he used in his “Belgica” Antarctic expedition (1897-1899), the projector and slides he used when teaching his General Biology course at the Science University in Cluj, original drawings illustrated in his scientific works, personal desk objects. The building in which the museum operates is an old medieval prison (from the 14th century up to the 19th century) and it is considered a national historical monument dating back to 1376.
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Matthias Corvinus House
The Matthias Corvinus House (or Mehffy House) is a stylish building in gothic style from the 15th century (today, Art and Design University of Cluj Napoca). In this house, which was the city’s inn in past, was born on 23rd of February 1443 Matia Corvin, the son of the vaivode of Transylvania, John Hunyadi (Ioan de Hunedoara). Matia Corvin was the greatest king of Hungary (1458-1490), he was learned, patron of arts, wise and just, being mentioned in songs and legends even today. In 1467, he acquited the owners of the house in which he was born from paying taxes and fees to the city. This privilege was enforced by the next kings and princes. The house served as different institutions. It was a college but was also home for the ethnographic collections of the Transylvanian Carpathian Society. Over time, the building has suffered various changes, adapted to the new architectural styles. The basement and some platband of windows and doors that have lintels in the oblique section are characteristic of the gothic style. During the first half of the 16th century appeared the first elements of the Renaissance: some platbands from Renaissance on the facade, with denticles, together with gothic elements, as well as the portal in a broken arch. The original arches were chiefly replaced. During the 18th century, the building was made a hospital and the yard had suffered a few baroque changes. At the end of the 19th century, the building was in an advanced state of degradation and it was restored. Many elements of Art Nouveau, Secession were introduced, being in fashion at that time. In the ’50s of the last century, the modifications of Art Nouveau were removed, being incompatible with the architecture of the building, which gained the present appearance.
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Avram Iancu Square
On the western part of the old city walls, guarded by three bastions and gates, this square was initially a marketplace, which was going to be moved to the central square. Eventually, the marketplace was moved closer to the railroad, in the current location of Mihai Viteazul square. Thus, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century the walls and gates of the city were demolished, and a small park was arranged in this square. Later, new buildings were erected here, such as the National Theater, the Orthodox Cathedral, the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the Art Nouveau style (today, the office of the Cluj Prefecture); the building of the old “Unió” Masonic Lodge (no. 7 Avram Iancu Sq.); the building of the old military garrison (today, the building of the County School Inspectorate, also known in the oral tradition of the city as the “red building”, a name earned by the red brick walls of the building); the Palace of Justice, where the Court of Appeal and the Tribunal are housed; the EMKE Palace (Hungarian Cultural Association of Transylvania), later purchased by MÁV (Magyar Államvasútak, Hungarian State Railroads), currently the headquarters of the CFR Regional Office; the building of the Archbishopric of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, which houses the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and the building of the Protestant Theology, on the old site of the Reformed Church’s Prayer House.
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Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca
The Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca is a public institution of a culture whose mission is to preserve, research and put forward the real and virtual patrimony of Romanian and universal art. With a collection of over 12,000 paintings, sculptures, graphic arts and decorative pieces, it is considered one of the most important museums in Romania. Founded as an institution in 1951, the museum has been operating since 1956 in the Banffy Palace – a baroque building which was built based on the plans of the architect J.E. Blaumann during the years 1774-1785, its destination being that of residence for the governor of Transylvania. It is the most important baroque edifice in Cluj-Napoca and one of reference for the 18th-century Romanian architecture. A series of sculptures with remarkable artistic value made by Anton Schuchbauer were added to the building in order to complete its stone architectural decorations.
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National Theater Lucian Blaga
The two cultural institutions were founded in 18th September 1919, as an expression of spiritual rebirth after the Great Union in 1918. The building which houses the „Lucian Blaga” National Theatre and the Romanian Opera was built between 1904 and 1906, as a seat for the Hungarian National Theatre, by the famous Viennese firm „ Fellner und Helmer”, combining stylistic elements of new-baroque and Secession. The hall has 928 setas and it is built in New-Baroque style. For decorating the lobby were used stylistic modulations inspired by Secession. The National Theatre and the Romanian Opera have been functioning there since 1919. The opening show of the National Theatre of Cluj took place on 1st and 2nd December 1919, with the plays „Se face ziua” by Zaharia Barsan and „Ovidiu” by Vasile Alecsandri. The „Eupharion” Studio of the National Theatre is specially designed for the young artists and their creative experiments. The Romanian National Opera from Cluj Napoca is the first lyrical dramatic state institution from Romania. The inaugural show took place on 25 May 1820, with the play “Aida” by G.Verdi. More than 200 titles of operas, operettas and ballets from the world repertoire have been put on scene at the Romanian Opera so far.
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Romano-Catholic Church Saint Michael
The Roman Catholic "Saint Michael" Church (Unirii Square), a great historical and religious architecture monument are one of the most imposing gothic edifices from our country. It was built approximately between 1350 and 1480, being the first hall church from Transylvania. The main portal, carved in 1444 in gothic style, ends with a high accolade, showing in the central part the carved image of archangel Michael. The tower from the north facade was built between 1834 and 1863 in neo-gothic style and it is 80 meter high, including the cross. The inside and outside decorations and the baroque carved pulpit are also remarkable. An extraordinary execution is the portal of the sacristy, from the Renaissance (1528) with Italian motifs and a strong south-German influence. The body of the pulpit, in baroque style, was carved by Johannes Nachtigall and Anton Schuhbauer. The mural picture, fragmentary kept, shows stylistic influences from northern Italy and reveals the first signs of the Renaissance in the painting from Cluj-Napoca.
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Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania
Founded in 1922 by professor Romulus Voia, the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania entered the elite of the Romanian ethnographic museums, due to the exceptional quality of its patrimony. It is currently composed of over 41.000 traditional peasant objects from 17th-20th centuries and a documentary fund of over 80.000 items. The museum has two sections: the Pavilion Section and „Romulus Vuia” ethnographic Park (the open-air section). The Pavilion Section functions in „Reduta” Palace – a historical monument that dates since the 16th century. The current pavilion exhibition, vernished on 16th of December and called „Traditional folk culture from Transylvania in the 18th-20th centuries”, rebuilds, with talent, the way in which the Transylvanian peasantry lived two centuries ago. As testimonies remained simple tools or ingenious equipment used in domestic activities, culminating with rich folk suits, which showed not only the stage of the life but also the social position of the one who wore them. There are also presented traditional costumes of the life cycle, the calendar ones and the peasant costumes, with an essential role in highlighting the regional and ethnic identity. Curiosities: With a history of more than 80 years, the museum is the greatest of this kind in Romania and among the most prestigious in Europe (the sixth). The museum functions in „Reduta” building, which housed during 1848-1865 the Transylvanian Diet. The famous trial of the authors of the Transylvanian Memorandum took place in this building in 1894-1895. It has 50.000 photos, 5.000 diapositives, 12.000 specialised magazines.
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Cluj Napoca City Hall
The building was constructed at the end of 19th century, according to the plans of the architect Alpár Ignác, having a baroque facade of Viennese style and a corner tower with a clock that impresses by strength and sobriety. On the tower was applied the Prefecture's coat of arms (Cluj County) because the initial destination of the building was that of a County headquarter. The building was included in the systematization plan of the city in 1798 which stated that any new construction had to have the city council’s approval. The initial destination of the building as the headquarter of the County was multiple – political, administrative, fiscal headquarter etc., where the County officials were deciding the wellbeing of the area; in the big chambers, besides the usual meetings, exhibitions of famous and of young artists as well as the city balls from the beginning of the 20th century took place. Nowadays it is the headquarter of the Cluj-Napoca City Hall, an institution that follows the principles of local administrative and financial autonomy, decentralization of public services, lawfulness and eligibility of the local public administration authorities, the consultation of the citizens on community issues.
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Cluj Tailors' Tower
The Tailors' Tower (Baba Novac Street / Stefan cel Mare Square) is part of the second fortified precinct of the walls system and of the fortifications of the city, built in the first half of 15th century and continued until the 17th century. It was built on the South-Eastern corner of the city defence wall, after 1405, following the privileges keyed by King Sigismund of Luxemburg. The first confirmed documents date 1457, from the time of King Matia Corvin. The administration of the Tower was entrusted to the most powerful guilds of the town – the tailors' guild. Over time, the Tower was devastated several times (1551-1553, 1601, 1627, and 1707). The actual shape is given by the last big reconstruction from 1709-1711, made by the Austrians, out of over 150 stone wagons. The Tower has renewed again in 1956-1957 when they attempted the opening of a history museum of the city of Cluj, a project forbidden by the communist authorities in 1959.
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Despite being relatively young, Bukovel is known as one of the most famous and ultramodern ski resort in Ukraine. This recreational haven owes its enormous popularity among both Ukrainian and foreign lovers of outdoor activities to its climate, endless comforts, and plenty of well-equipped skiing trails. Bukovel is situated in one of the most beautiful places in the country, the Ukrainian Carpathians, at an altitude of 920 meters (over 3000 feet). Because snows fall early in the year, and stay for a long time, from November to April the resort has ideal skiing and snowboarding conditions. The resort has 16 ski lifts, ranging from 650 meters to 2000 meters (2130 to 6560 feet) long, which make it one of the biggest ski resorts not only in Ukraine but all of Eastern Europe. Bukovel is especially proud of its excellent ski trails, which, in total, are over 50 kilometers (30 miles) long. They are spread out across five mountains, on specially prepared slopes. Each visitor can choose a track to his or her experience level: there are difficult trails for professionals, and easier ones for beginners; they even have slopes for children. All the trails are equipped with snow canons and are constantly maintained, so they always stay in perfect condition. Bukovel’s slopes are also lit up, so they stay open in the evening. These high-grade trails attract not only skiers, but also those who are fond of snowboarding and riding snowmobiles.
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The Vivarium was built between 1998 and 2001 out of the Babes-Bolyai University and the Biology and Geology Faculty funds. It contains approximately 57 animal species. When it opened in 2001, it only sheltered a collection of reptiles and amphibians. Currently, alongside the reptile collection, the Vivarium also hosts 10 fish species, 9 micro mammal species and 6 bird species, out of which we can mention the Puff Adder, the Rainbow Boa, the leopard gecko, the Nile monitor, the chinchilla, the Dobrogea turtle, the salamander etc.
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Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden
Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden (42 Republicii Street) – Being a national museum, the garden was founded in 1872, having an initial surface of 4.3 ha. Thanks to prof. A. Richter, the surface has reached 9.6 ha. In 1920, professor Alexandru Borza elaborated the re-organization plan of a new botanical garden, whose arrangement was carried out from 1920 to 1930. Nowadays, the garden has a surface of 14 ha, a level difference of 20 m and is divided into various sectors, sheltering 11.000 exhibits: the ornamental sector ( The Mediterranean Garden, Rosarium, The Japanese Garden), the phytogeographic sector (the plants are arranged according to their natural associations – The Roman Garden), the systematic sector (the plants are organized by phylogenetic principles), the economic and medical sector, the sector of rare and endemic plants of Romania`s flora. The two groups of greenhouses, having a surface of 3500 m2, with tropical plants of great scientific and utilitarian interest, are remarkable. In the precincts of the Botanical Garden functions the Botanical Institute, with its two components: the Botanical Museum (6 910 botanical pieces, representing exotic and indigenous plant exhibits) and the Herbarium (660 000 herbarium sheets of dried plants – arranged in special lockers).
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Carpathian National Nature Park
This is the first and the largest national park in Ukraine, created in 1980 to protect the unique natural riches of the Carpathian Mountains. Majestic mountains, picturesque valleys, mountain pastures, crystal lakes, pure rivers, healing springs, valuable monuments of archaeology, history and architecture - all of them make the Carpathian Natural Park desirable to many travellers from all over the world. Located in the mountains of the Prut River basin, the park occupies a territory of over 50 thousand hectares. It amazes not only with its fantastic landscapes and unforgettable scenery, but also with the variety of its flora and fauna. A large number of various plants grow in the part, many of which are on the endangered species list, and almost 200 species of animals and birds live here. Nine hundred meters (2950 feet) above sea level, the Guk waterfall is considered to be the park’s gem, as are the glacial lakes Maricheika (on the mountain Shurin-Gropa) and Nesamovyte (on the mountain Turkul). It is said that sinners’ souls live in the Nesamovyte lake, so one should not swim and throw stones into it. If its waters are disturbed, the sky will fall down in a hailstorm. To judge from the frequency of storms in the region, the park’s guests frequently break this taboo.
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Situated in the picturesque Prut River valley, this little town is one of the most famous tourist centers of the Carpathian region. First and foremost, Yaremche is a popular ski resort. Its numerous visitors are attracted by its breathtaking mountain landscapes, pure air, unique Guzul character, and variety of leisure activities. During the winter, Yaremche is populated with skiers and snowboarders. Winters here are a skier’s paradise: it is not too cold, and there is very little wind, but a lot of snow. The mountain slopes especially good for beginners, but are unlikely to impress professionals. Thus, more experienced skiers often choose to visit neighbouring ski resorts - Bukovel, Vorohta and Yablunitsa. But you can admire Yaremche’s unique architecture of all year round! You will find many interesting churches, monasteries, and landmarks in the town. Yet perhaps the town’s main attraction is the Probiy waterfall. It is certainly not the highest (it is only 8 meters – 26 feet – high), but it is the most powerful and picturesque waterfall in all the Ukrainian Carpathians. The torrents of the Prut River, which find their way through the stones, create an unforgettable show, which you can watch from a small footbridge that crosses the river. Not far from the waterfall lies a well-known souvenir market, which has already become one of Yaremche’s most popular attractions. You can buy original handicrafts of local craftsmen, at the same time getting acquainted with the distinctive Guzul culture.
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The State Theatre
THE STATE THEATRE dominates Ferdinand Square with its imposing features. Situated in the center of a true architectural museum, this building in eclectic style imposes with exceptional craftsmanship. The construction, so avidly desired by the municipality of the age, was entrusted to renowned Viennese construction firm Fellner and Helmer.
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Vulturul Negru Palace
THE BLACK EAGLE COMPLEX is probably the most monumental architectural accomplishment in Oradea and in Transylvania, as far as the Secession building style is concerned. The contest to build this architectural complex was won by architects Komor Marcell and Jakab Dezső.
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The Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
This is one of many places of worship that were declared historical monuments and it can be visited on 5 Parcul Traian Street. Its troubled history had an influence on whom to choose as a patron saint and how its interior developed, since it was used consecutively by priests and believers of three denominations – Roman-Catholic, Ruthenian (Greek-Catholic) and, at present, Orthodox Christians.
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Calimani National Park
The Calimani National Park (Parcul National Calimani) is a protected area situated in Romania. Located in Calimani Mountains, including the largest volcanic crater in Romania with a diameter of about 10 km (out now), Calimani National Park has a total area of 24.041.
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Financial Palace
The eclectic-style Financial Palace was completed in 1912. Earlier, the plot was occupied by the house of György Komáromi Csipkés, a judge of the city, which hosted the preparatory negotiations of the Treaty of Szatmár in 1711.
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Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park
Open all year round, the Debrecen Zoo is home to some 900 individuals of 170 species from all five continents. Besides permanent exhibits, there are a number of daily events and activities involving close visitor encounters with fascinating animals as part of the Animals in Action program, as well as a number of seasonal events such as summertime Evening Walks or Animal Christmas. A full member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) since 1994, the Zoo also reflects the current need for the protection of biodiversity by contributing to coordinated conservation efforts like European Endangered Species Programs (EEPs) through managing healthy and productive populations of various endangered species like the leopard cat, the reticulated giraffe, the African penguin, and the ring-tailed lemur. Integrated into the Zoo and Amusement Park, the ever-growing botanical collection currently features around 650 species, including ones from the Great Forest biotope and other parts of Hungary as well as ones native to various exotic corners of the world. There is also a Scent Garden section, home to a wide variety of aromatic herbs, enabling visitor interaction through the sense of smell.
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Debrecen Water Tower
The newest attraction of Nagyerdei park is the Water Tower Adventure Center. It is a home to a whole cornucopia of entertainment options from spring through fall. Not only its 31-m-high observation point gives fantastic views of the surrounding area. A special telescope will also open a visual channel to bygone eras. Nourish your mind and body, respectively, at the permanent exhibitions and eateries. If you crave some physical exercise, check out the climbing wall built in the tower’s structure. The day’s adventures will culminate in the night light show.
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St. Anne's Cathedral
Built in Baroque and Louis Seize style, the church was elevated to cathedral rank by Pope John Paul II in 1993. A certified replica of the Turin Shroud has been on display in the building since 2011. 2015 has been designated as Catholic Memorial Year, to mark the tercentenary of the movement started to reorganize practices and activities of the Catholic faithful in Debrecen.
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Pysanka Museum
Situated not far from Ivano-Frankivsk, the ancient town Kolomyya is notable for its vivid history and inimitable colour. However, it is mostly associated with the unique Pysanka Museum – the only museum in the world, whose exposition is devoted to the art of painting Easter eggs. Ukraine has an age-old tradition of decorating eggs with the plot or ornamental patterns using wax and special dyes, however, it is the Hutsul region where this tradition is especially honoured. The locals even create legends about this ancient art. One of them states that a terrible beast is chained to a high rock in the Carpathian Mountains. Each year it carefully watches that people don’t forget the custom of painting Easter eggs. If there are just a few pysanka (painted Easter eggs), the beast spreads evil on the earth, but, if there are enough painted eggs, love and good defeat evil, and the chains squeeze the evil monster with deadly force.
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The Reformed Great Church
The Reformed Great Church of Debrecen is one of the most significant Classicist historic buildings of Hungary. It was designed by Mihály Péchy, and built between 1805 and 1822. Its north-south nave (with the organs at its two ends and with the pulpit at its north end) is 38 m long and 14 m wide; its east-west aisle is 55 m long and 15 m wide.
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Debrecen Reformed College
Having functioned continuously as an educational institution since its establishment in 1538, the college is the cradle of Hungarian civilization. Designated as a national monument in 2013, it also features a museum that has permanent exhibits displaying the school’s history, student life, and the religious art of the Reformed Church in the Trans-Tisza Region. Your visit here will help you understand why Debrecen became the most important bastion of the Reformed faith in Hungary. Bedecked with majestic murals, the building’s stairwell leads to the entrance of the gigantic library storing more than 600,000 volumes, the Csokonai Room and the Oratory that housed Hungary’s National Assembly in 1849.
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Agora Science Adventure Center
Agora presents serious scientific knowledge and the little wonders of everyday life in a fun and easy-to-understand way. The center is a new attraction in the life of the region; it offers exciting adventures and lifelong experience to all age-groups. It presents serious scientific knowledge and the little wonders of everyday life in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Agora features more than thirty interactive games and gets visitors involved in spectacular experiments. At the top of the futuristic three-storey building, stargazers will be delighted to test the limits of the observatory taking aim at the Sun, our fellow planets and other celestial bodies.
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Deri Museum
The Déri Museum is most famous for being the home of the greatest works of one of Hungary’s most famous and celebrated artists, Mihály Munkácsy, as well as the huge collection of other items, brought together by Frigyes Déri. Munkácsy’s awe-inspiring Christ Trilogy is housed here, the first of the trilogy, entitled front of Pilate was painted in 1882, followed by Golgotha in 1884. The trilogy was completed with Ecce Homo in 1896. In addition to its exhibits of local cultural interest, the Déri Museum has become renowned for Frigyes Déri’s collection of weapons. The weapons collection is particularly fine, comprising of three parts. Weapons from Christian Europe, from the 15-18th. The second part is comprised of classic Muslim weapons from the territory of the Ottoman Empire and Persia. The third part, although the smallest is the finest part, is the weapons collection from the Far East. The Japanese collection is of commonly used items made in the Edo era and is undoubtedly the best in Hungary.
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Putna Monastery
The Putna Monastery (Manastirea Putna) is a Romanian Orthodox monastery, one of the most important cultural, religious and artistic centers established in medieval Moldavia; as with many others, it was built and dedicated by Stephen the Great (Stefan cel Mare), ruler of Moldavia (1457 - 1504).
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Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection
The majestic Greek Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection, whose slender silhouette adorns town's main square (Rynok), reckons among the most beautiful and famous architectural monuments of Ivano-Frankivsk. Strolling through town, it's impossible to oversee its luxurious light building that absorbed the brightest baroque and classicism traits! The temple owes its origin to Jesuit monks. They came to Ivano-Frankivsk in the early 18th century and founded a catholic church on the place of the older church, burnt during Turks' siege of the town. From the very beginning, it was clear that the cathedral's destiny would be unusual: when constructors were digging the trench for future temple's foundation, they found a real treasure - 14 thousand zlotys. Their greater part was spent on the church's building.
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Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Studies Museum
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Studies Museum (Івано-Франківський краєзнавчий музей; Ivano-Frankivskyi kraieznavchyi muzei). Regional studies museum founded in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk) in 1940 on the basis of several existing collections, including the Zhabie ‘Hutsulshchyna’ Museum.