The House of Mr Clutterbuck is based on the beloved books by Mauri Kunnas. Mr Clutterbuck’s house is located in Vammala, which is the town center of Sastamala, from where Mauri Kunnas is also from. The stories in Kunnas’ books bring to life a diverse world, and the House of Mr Clutterbuck brings those stories even more to life. So alive, in fact, that you can take part in them yourself! Mr Clutterbuck’s house has five different areas, where you can experience the world of Mauri Kunnas’ stories. During the summer season from May until the end of October Mr. Clutterbuck’s Fun on Wheels Yard is also open.
The Home of Mr Clutterbuck invites you to play in Mr Clutterbuck’s kitchen, to get to know the ghosts of the haunted clock in the attic and to try out how it feels to descend from the lighthouse down the fireman’s pole.