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The Archaeological Museum

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The Archaeological Museum of Seville has its origins at the end of the 19th century, when a public collection of antiquities was created, most of it taken from the Roman city Italica.

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Church of divine Salvador
The Salvador is a religious temple for Roman Catholic worship under the patronage of Our Lord San Salvador, located in the Plaza del Salvador in Seville and is the largest church in the city, after the Cathedral. Deprived of its parish ranking after the latest restoration work, it currently functions as an exempt church, within the parish jurisdiction of San Isidro.
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The Casa de Pilatos
The Casa de Pilatos is a combination of Italian Renaissance styles and the Spanish Mudejar style. It is considered a prototype Andalusian palace. Construction of the palace began in 1483, at the initiative and desire of Pedro Enríquez de Quiñones (IV Adelantado Mayor of Andalusia) and his second wife, Catherine de Ribera, the founders of the Casa de Alcalá.
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Zoobotanico Jerez
The Zoological Park and Botanical Garden of Jerez is one of the oldest in Spain. Its history begins at the beginning of the 50s when in the old Tempul Gardens a small collection of animals without recipients were deposited in the Port of Cádiz. The main promoter of the idea was the then Councilor for Parks and Gardens Mr. Alberto Durán Tejera. Zoological collection of Zoobotanico Jerez contains more than 1,000 animals belonging to about 200 different species from the five continents. Enjoy your day among flamingos, wildcats, giraffes, meerkats and many more!
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The Cloisters of Santo Domingo
In 1264 the troops of Alfonso X conquer Jerez definitively to the Muslims. At that time, the monarch gave the Dominicans a military building of Islamic origin located in front of the door of Seville, to found their convent there. The first century of existence of the monastery of Santo Domingo had to be very hard, since the attacks by the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada and its North African allies were constant. The convent of Santo Domingo remained a united group until 1835, when the different confiscations of the liberal governments of Isabel's reign decreed the exclaustration and seizure of the assets of the convent. Although the church remained open to worship, the cloisters were sold. In the beginning, the owners were Los González, an important family of winemakers from Santander Mountain, who installed here the so-called Museum of Santo Domingo, a kind of trinket in which works of art, furniture and other decorative objects were sold. Then the complex became the property of the Díez family, who installed a cellar in the old bedroom and made a series of somewhat aggressive works with the monument. Los Dietros sold Los Claustros to the Rumasa holding company, which was expropriated in 1983, becoming the property of the City Council, which used it as cultural equipment for years. In 1999 the complex was closed for restoration, reopening its doors in 2012.
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Joaquin Rivero Collection
The Pinacoteca de Bodegas Tradición is made up of a selection of works belonging to the Joaquín Rivero Collection of Spanish painting. As of June 2006, a winery warehouse, after a laborious work of conditioning, will permanently house such important works, so that any visitor can enjoy them. The Joaquín Rivero Collection is one of the most important exhibited in Andalusia. Its fundamental characteristic is that it brings together more than 300 works of great masters of Spanish painting in a collection of private art, from the 15th to the 19th centuries. In it are represented all the important artistic movements that have been produced throughout the history of Spanish painting, as well as the authors who by their own significance make up the artistic scene of the moment: Zurbarán, Velázquez, Hiepes, Labrador, Valdés Leal, Goya, Maella, Lucas Velázquez, Madrazo, Lucas Villamil, Carlos de Haes and many other authors that will allow our visitors to walk through the history of Spain through his painting.
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Bertemati Palace
Bertemati Palace is located at Plaza del Arroyo 50 and 51.
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Jerez de la Frontera Cathedral
The long period of time over which it was built caused a variety of styles to be integrated into the structure of this cathedral. It was built as a Collegiate Church, since Jerez did not have a bishopric until 1980. Building began in 1695 and lasted until 1778. Participating architects included Diego Moreno Meléndez, Rodrigo del Pozo, Diego Díaz, Juan de Pina, Torcuato Cayón de la Vega, Juan de Vargas and Pedro Ángel de Albizu. The building has a rectangular plan, with five naves. It is Baroque in style.
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Alcazar of Jerez de la Frontera
The Alcázar de Jerez one of the most emblematic monuments of the city. Located in the southeast corner of the walled enclosure, forming a complex defensive system with the walls, towers and gates. The term alcazar, comes from Arabic, al-qasr and defines a set of buildings, surrounded by walls, which were the seat of political and military power. Fortress-palace with autonomous operation, a small city, seat of power that governed the city and its territory. From the original Islamic fortress, the two doors are preserved; the mosque, the Arab baths; the octagonal tower and the Pavilion of the Doña Blanca patio, located at the foot of this tower.
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Alameda Vieja
Alameda Vieja is a well known Park in the city of Jerez.
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A Campo Abierto
Enjoy the visit to the brave cattle ranch of TORRESTRELLA in the Los Alburejos Estate of Alvaro Domecq. In the best theater imaginable, in the freedom of the Andalusian countryside, you will know a day in the life of these magnificent animals. The visit starts with a nice 700 meters walk discovering the fauna and flora of the andalusian countryside while you will see the bulls in freedom and the oxen. At the bull route, In the best environment you can imagine,open land, and seating in a comfortable grandstand you will discover the life of these wonderful animals: the brave bulls, the cows with the stallion bull and their calves, the mares and foals, the oxen, the riders and horses performing andalusian and classical dressage.
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Medina Azahara
The Caliph Abd al-Rahman III was a great promoter of culture and a skilful politician who transformed his dominions into the most prosperous lands in the West at the time, comparable only with Baghdad and Byzantium. The city of Medina Azahara has a practically rectangular floor plan. It was built on raked terraces which made use of the slope of the mountainside. Each terrace was separated from the others by walls, which divided the city into three parts. The Alcázar Real palace is located on the highest and intermediate levels, while the lower part stood outside the walls and was used for dwellings and the mosque. There are still remnants of tiled borders, paintings and columns in the composite and Corinthian styles. Visitors should not miss a visit to the two recently restored rooms. It was declared a National Monument in 1923. To conclude the visit, the archaeological site also has a visitor centre which serves as a starting point for the tour. The centre is located underground in the style of an archaeological site, and features a collection of exhibits from the most important periods in the history of Medina Azahara. The tour of the visitor centre lasts about one hour and includes audiovisual shows, and continues with a visit to the archaeological site (which can be reached by bus from the same building).
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Alcazar Fortress Cordoba
This building was the royal residence of the Christian monarchs and subsequently the site of the Courts of the Holy Offices, a civil prison, and finally a military prison. It is set among magnificent gardens, including the garden known as the Avenue of the Monarchs which features statues of all the monarchs who had connections with the palace-fortress. It was declared a Historical Monument in 1931. The building is also part of the area declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1994. Since 1986, its gardens have been protected by town planning laws. It stands on top of the remains of the former caliph's palace.
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Roman Bridge of Cordoba
This bridge connecting the city with Calahorra Tower is believed to have been built in the era of Augustus. In 918 it underwent major changes. It played an important role in the city's battles against the armies of Peter I, the Cruel. It has 16 arches supported by robust spurs with semi cylindrical buttresses. It is built in Flemish bond. In the centre there is a sculpture of San Rafael from 1651.
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Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a mixture of architectural styles superimposed on one another over the nine centuries its construction and renovations lasted. Standing in the historic centre, it is one of the most beautiful examples of Muslim art in Spain. It was built in 785 by the Muslim emir Abdurrahman I, on the site of the ancient Visigoth church of San Vicente. The mosque underwent consecutive extensions over later centuries. Abdurrahman III had a new minaret built whilst in 961 Al-Hakam II extended the ground plan and decorated the "mihrab" (prayer niche). The last renovation was carried out by Al-Mansur in 987. As a result, the interior resembles a labyrinth of beautiful columns with double arcades and horseshoe arches. After the Christian conquest in 1523, the cathedral was built inside, and features highlights such as the main altarpiece, the Baroque altarpiece and the mahogany choir stalls. The "mihrab" is considered one of the most important in the Muslim world, and is the finest piece in the mosque. The decoration is Byzantine mosaic with crafted marble. The courtyard of the Orange Trees leads to the complex.
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Calahorra Tower
It was built by Henry II of Trastámara as a means of defence against his brother Peter I (Peter the Cruel). It lies on what was once an Arabian castle. It has a Latin cross plan with three arms formed by square towers joined by quarter cylinders and finished off with crenellations. It comprises of 8 rooms and houses the three cultures museum. It lies next to the Roman bridge and has been the site of many a battle. It houses the Museo Vivo de Al-Andalus (Al-Andalus Living Museum), by the Paradigma Cordoba Foundation.
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Plaza de la Corredera
It is rectangular and follows the model of the traditional Castilian Plaza Mayor square. It is the only one in Andalusia with these characteristics. During the reconstruction works, magnificent Roman mosaics were found. These can be seen in the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos Fortress.
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Viana Palace
This palace museum has an extensive collection of items from Cordoba including furniture and coffered objects. Of particular note is the staircase which gives access to the upper floor. This stately mansion was originally a single building that was extended with the adjoining buildings, and today occupies a large area with a predominance of courtyards and gardens.
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Рынок в Малаге

4 July 2023

Очень хороший рынок с большим выбором shellfish, тюна неплохая
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4 July 2023

Испанская "Карабинерос" гигантская креветка, что-то среднее между лобстером и обычной тигровой креветкой. Очень понравилось, вкус лобстера, но сохранила креветочнку сочность
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Дегустационный бар портвейна в Малаге

5 July 2023

Бар с дегустационной стойкой в Малаге. Баров с тестирования вина мы видели много, но этот бар с портвейном! В зале стоят бочки, на них написано тип вина, и год. 30 или даже больше портвейнов и хереса. Где еще в этом мире можно попробовать 4 сорта хереса Педро Химерес разных годов за раз, по маленьким стаканчикам
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Episcopal Palace
16th - 18th centuries. The Bishop's Palace is a series of buildings that were joined while being built until the large block was completed in the 18th century that took up the whole of the block. It features the impressive Baroque façade facing the Plaza del Obispo.
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Большой собор в Малаге

5 July 2023

Главный собор в центре города, очень интересный
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Santa Ana Abbey
Better known as the Cistercian Abbey, it was built in 1878 by Jerónimo Cuervo and restored in 1990. The Church has a beautiful choir and tribune behind the chancel, an example of sacred convent art where the most obvious sign is its simple, bright façade topped by an original 18th Century statue of Santa Ana in terracotta.
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Museo del Patrimonio Municipal
Here is a permanent display of a selection from the historic and artistic Municipal Heritage. Paintings, sculptures and graphic works including works by Picasso or Carlos Haes.
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Пляж в Малаге

4 July 2023

Побережье Costa del Sol. Честно говоря, пляжами в Испании впечатлен не был. Темный, твердый песок, слегка мутноватая вода ... Обычный южный, средиземноморский курорт
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The Palacio de Estoi
The pink Estoi Palace is the finest example of Rococo architecture found within the Algarve, while the carefully maintained grounds contain beautiful Azulejos tiles.
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The Capela Dos Ossos
The strangest sight of Faro, which is hidden away from the main tourist route, is the Capela Dos Ossos, the bone chapel. The bones of the overcrowded cemeteries were stored in the small chapel that is located within the Carmo church complex. These bones were incorporated into the designs of the chapel, with skulls lining the walls – very strange and creepy.
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The Praia de Faro
The eastern edge of the Praia de Faro, easily accessible from Faro but far enough away from the summer time crowds.
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Cathedral of San Juan Bautista
From the outside, the cathedral was built in the form of a fortress to keep it safe during the continuous wars suffered by the city. Its construction was begun after the conquest of Badajoz by King Alfonso IX in the 13th century.
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Espantaperros tower
12th-century Almohad monument. This is known as the Watchtower or Alpéndiz Tower. The Espantaperros Tower is in the eastern part of the Citadel and is a watchtower. It has an octagonal plan Most of the tower is solid, apart from its two upper chambers.
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The Mdiq Beach
The town of Mdiq, a former fishing village is known for its sandy beaches. The sea is calm and the temperature of the water encourages bathing throughout the year. It has all the necessary infrastructure to enjoy a region that has all the assets of a true seaside resort.
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Kasbah Museum
The Museum of Mediterranean Cultures Kasbah Museum is located in one of the historic districts of the city. This museum has seen its interior layout and its rejuvenated collection. It offers a route of Tangier and its region through the mazes of time, from prehistory to the nineteenth century.
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The Medina of Tetouan
The Medina of Tetouan has a strong argument, it was declared in 1997 World Heritage by Unesco. It is distinguished by the whiteness of the walls of its houses, color that earned him the nickname of 'White Dove'. Its medina is a maze of narrow streets and scenes of the most curious, intersecting conversations and charming small crafts shops with a special lifestyle punctuated by an extraordinary historical and cultural heritage.
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The Old Medina
If this is your first visit, you should take a long walk through the old Medina, it's very entertaining, full of life, and apart from learning history and Tetuan culture, you can buy genuine local crafts. The Tetouan Medina is a UNESCO World Heritage place and it's well worth it!
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The Cathedral of Granada
The Cathedral of Granada is to be understood in the context of the project for an imperial city envisaged by Emperor Charles V.